Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Surviving means Having idea and Quitting it for Switching it into Another α

Civilization means try and error, thus it means creating something and demolishing it for resuming creating act, in turn and its iteration.

Though, any idea is destined to be abolished and one so completed age's typical fragrant appearance must have it invelidated another day, in this turnable cycle is adopted in one person's one day's idea in transition, because we all are physiolosical presence, then having some idea means throwing it away from mind either, and never looking back to once invalidated idea must be our life true aspect.

Though occasionally, our mind could be awaked into accumulated frustration toward what we have to demolish once made thing, kind of exhaustion must pile up its immovable nature.

Loving one thing ardently means also hating and disgusting it simultaneously, nevertheless, meanwhile very ordinary conscience could cry out that thing taking as split personality, that idea's conservatism could make stalemate and stagnation in our mind, we at that moment certainly have smothered condition, in other words, social common sense and regulatory bound some conventional idea must destruct any trial's renewed signification in commonplace justice, and eventually any reality's reformative devise could get persistent adhesion, stubborn adherence, kind of agglutinate, that reality makes us awoken to our own procrastination and try to resume throwing anything away from our reality, nevertheless, timing was lost at our neglegence and inattention in ever spending idle and inactive time spending.

Again, we'd noiced to necessity around giving up so many ideas and schemes in our own demand to go ahead to another phase.
Once chewing something and vormiting it and to once built-up order, we out of the blue try to spoil it into trash can, never looking back to its thing and only neglection to any past matter is fixed in stance.

To some extent, as well as thinking experiment, we prepare for all necessities for invalidating and deleting or outing them all from our thining circuit. Otherwise, for denying, or destroying them all, we build up, we'd say either so.

Thereby, if we regard that iteration so violent, just we are at negatively regarding depression toward any positive future prospective mind picturing, or blueprinting then, conservative sustainance must dominate our mind, in lazy re-mobilized energy.

Putting anything for converting it into making another thing, putting any value for rejecting that each unnecessary essence, after all any act must mean kind of expedient proposal, suggestion, or that means switchable reality's praising in revolving in revolting or in retorting any orthodox idea in reversing any item and necessary member, so regulatory, actually that method is applied at any political scene, that shows that any immovable fixed and solidified alliance could be so stagnant and could never be so stabilized, nor so under control, any seemed durably sustainable velue could be just fragilly mortal, only that instant nature could be proved at any criticism and general opinion, actually that factual truth could not be bad nor good, because just it is perfectly ordinarily observable reality's nasty nature, you know.

Any negative adjective, terms, any kind of derogatory articulation and interpretable expresion and any harsh reputation made in public are all standing by for being used so frequently in one social aspcet, these all are prepared only for being done so, silently in any words' arrangement.

At any moment, very decisively plain quitting command, and that moment's fierce voltage makes us kind of ochlocracy, mob rule, in other words, in one person's daytime idea and ideas since evening into midnight in harsh change must reflect all social gathered and collected idea's summary and outputted socially candid aspect, or kind of community's drifting negatively regarded air or mood, in unconsciously made obstacle at acknowledging any smooth running at any management, in other words, any tiny upcoming future aspect could never be expeted by our ordinary sensing power, so personally, consequently anytime any indicating ruler must depend on only so accidentally overturnable incident.

To any individual citizen, very personally upsetted mind and emotion consistenly reflects any totalized politically necessary movable factor.
And to some extent, constantly anytime only military equipment and their members' moblized traning mode and instantly commanded practical power dominates and surmounts any invidual citizen's wishful mind.

Certainly any individual citizen's ideas concocted in each one's brain is characterized as closed room secrecy, nevertheless, that mind's confessional content and easy remark emission could be embodied at any SNS site, that easy transition makes us all an easy fluctuating amaba tasty soicial reality, in other words, contemporary global society and community has basic harsh difference toward 20 sentury's autocratic governmental management in realizing only easily upsettable reality, and consistently media reporting animating images witnessed through any internet site, TV news show make synergism and to that sort of reality, anybody is prone to have masochistic pleasure or kind of abnormally kinky ecstatic rejoice in libido, and mind's excitement.

Necessarily that tasty mind tasting could make it so sadistic pleasre easily.
Brain composing shooting game pleasurable reality makes us calmed mind at last long.

Any consistent locial thinking circuit must be deviated with these serially transmitted realities, you see!

Are you a joker? Otherwise, clown? 
We just silently ask to our own mind, and those all realities, and any incidentally coming up thing, in cynically sneering eyes, and ears.

(to be continued)

Jan. 26th.     2022