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Suggestion toward ”Unit Power in Knowing Each Individual Powerlessness”

Human society is essentially interrelated and has the dynamics to expel and exclude others who are detrimental to them and those who are detrimental to the society in which they are involved. Therefore, every individual basically finds an isolated other and moves as a whole so that each individual takes an action that restrains the other as much as possible. Individual horizontal relationships are a precautionary measure for that.

Human society, whether international or unilateral, is basically a human resource that guarantees meaningful development for society as a whole through the positions and classes established to clarify the division of roles and the reasons for individual existence. I expect that action. Therefore, it has already been factored in from the beginning that mutual conflicts and conflicts will occur. The struggle is a prepared order.

It is an action that human beings interact with others and make friends with specific people while taking precautionary measures so that they are not recognized as outsiders by the whole society in advance. It's pretty fierce, and it's a fact that is hard for travelers to spot (unless they're very familiar with it). In other words, society has the dynamics that make bullying and exclusion natural.

In fact, there is only one way to live without rooting in any community and without excluding any other person. It's a way of life that doesn't have a specific place of residence. In fact, many nomads and immigrants do. If you're very rich and have a lot of money, you can live your life on a lifelong trip, but only for a few people.(Actually partially the kind of historical background must be taken as example and very successful ethnic groups could exist in any region in world.)

The numerous social discriminations that exist in the world are mostly due to settlers against wandering people and migrants. However, it is not impossible to cross the world skillfully without having any settlement and without discrimination. It just takes a lot of talent. No matter where you go, you need a special talent that will not be suspicious of anyone and will not be hated or discriminated against by anyone. It gets harder as you get older.(That's why usually almost ones could take own settlement.)

Feb. 8th.   2022