Blog for Nameless-Value

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To Any Drifter!

Once upon a time, “Don’t trust anyone over 30” the kind catchy phrase was told to each other in teenagers.

But nowadays, another typed the kind of words could be necessary.
Probably it could be "Don't believe in except what your belief can believe in."

To some term, world thing is kind of evil spirit attending various mind ghost and wicked soul equipping satanic rogue wander around infinitely extending hell forest.

Though, carry your believable self-defense weapons, but that should be necessarily invisible to anyone around you, and only at last-ditched you should use, at any other occasion, do never use it, so easily unecessarily!
Because misuse must invite your the worst situation.

In any fierce hell like whirlpool, you must find at least one trustworthy somebody who helps you at any deadend.
For finding and discerning each one's essence, you should train your all intuitive potentially indwelled capability!

When you sleep at night or any occasionally necessary time, keep your weapons beside you, but for the best occasion to meet some lovable one, your potentially equipped power either should never be left by your inertia. Though anytime equip some effective erastic tool or dildo for diffusing your lonely night empty!

When you are walking thrusting your way through the croud, don't look at any other's eyes directly!
But simutaneously, take your the maximal notice, nurture your potentiality for discerning each one's true essence in regard of future fellow's qualification or not so, as much as possible you can!

After all, everything is on uncertainty, yesterday's enemy is today's fellow.
Anyway any single day, interpret any social trend and sharpen your sleeping ability with your maximal effort, your earnest training must never betray future yourself!

At a desert, pay attention to scorpions, and at jungle, pay attention to leeches.
At a shallow seashore, pay attention to crayfish. At moutainous slope bush, do never eat poisonous mashroom even if it'd seemed so delicious, and that thing very attractive one for your heart could be either applied.

Anyway, wish your success for successfully pulling through any harsh reality, and any steeper your jeopadised situation!

At the last moment, the one who you can trust is only yourself.

Feb. 12th.     2022