Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Because You were There, No Other Reason A

Because you were there, and you tried to attract me with yourself, one thing could happen to us, no other reason must be no signified nor so important.

Probably in world, some so strict law or regulatory method, or ideal rule we must keep could not be present, unless we mutually unnecessarily injure, prevent the partner from doing everything according to the one's will and intention so arbitrsarily.

If any our facing matter was rigrously decided we'd never do anything and we'd never keep any friendship, far from it, any lovable emotion to any different gender or so could not be made to us.

In other words, only no so harsh method or convention around keeping company with each other or so could be any there, we'd keep mutually close relation or kind of mutually enjoyable contact together.

These now taken facts could suggest that we are originally (at least referring normally regarded socially correct moralistic common sense) free, otherwise, at least should be free at choosing any chance mutually in any occasion, necessarily each occasion must have own circumstance or so, anyway, we must be the presence around recognizing the mutual personality or so.

Anyway, there you were and I either recognized it, with you, we could have some relation, relevance in mutually contacting life together, no other reason is never convincing, and not so integral at least to us, and probably to anyone in this world.

Yes, if the moment we should question together so honestly could come up to us, mutually, just at the occasion, we'd talk around it together, only the truth could be applied to us, no matter what happens to us, so accidentally, though we should be mutually personally so free, at least the basic human right regard, we should be at that simple condition.

Only the idea can be seen so correct at least to me, how about you around it, otherwise, more contstructive and positive idea or ideology, anyone could have in mind, on the contrary, I would like to listen to that opinion, and I'd accept any question around it anytime I can do so easily, you know.

(to be continued)

Feb. 13th.     2022