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Speed, Mechanical Operation in Potential Demon E

Contemporary society is highly mechanically schemed at autonomously driven any convenient procedure, that aspect is almost similar easy amusing game operating, and either so easily war could be dragged at that procedure.

Behind these easily manipulation, so many ones' lives with blood stream must be there.
That so extremely easily done consequences are contemprary society's very typically horrific reality.

Addicted into so easily manipulating technology could not be evaded for nowadays' social necessity, nevertheless, meanwhile, our mind could have some unidentified frightened emotion and disgusting imagination.

All so rapidly manipulated procedure dominating world could seduce either money trading on line, so fee could be accumulated, for economizing unnecesary expenditure, next smoothed technological scheme could be done for easy procedure, certainly anybody to that vicious circle, horiffic emotion could be attedend in mind, nevertheless, once we'd gotten so easy convenience, we'd never make them all return to former condition, never again.

One click makes only at one moment, some so extraordinarily richer than anybody, simultaneously another so empty bankruptcy, but to winning side, latter that was just the ones' carelessness, inattention, that judgement is anytime so easily running, and at the moment to anyone in that turn, anybody for the first time could be awoken to reality's fierceness, however nobody could revise any these routes and procedure, far from it, anybody misses if those all mechanism could be removed from any corner of society.

Kind of very funny unconscious sadistic mental injury and hurting action and body movement, otherwise physiolosical reaction unconsciously made at our complexion and expression.

I described it at recent past, "indifferent soldiers", but they, neither, aren't noticed to it, and after dying everything could be clear, but that tangible object is completely absent from any site, that reality could be intimately loved by anybody.

Contemporary world's circumstance is rather parody, from next to next, members are swtiched, that speed is extremely so frequently changeable and that reality's unexpected change attracts so many amateurs, but once habitual idea could be immediately fed up with by anybody, that thing is already never comedy nor fixed reality, but what is that identity?

From ancient eras' our ancestors' scheming could have been the similar or almost the same.
Because operating wisdom and our brain's manipulating sensing instinct must never have been converted, probably.
In that nature reality, any comedy and tragedy could have made so many citizens healed, otherwise irritated, consequently any choice, any evalutation, impession is just up to each one in us.

Roller-coaster movie tasty social swtichable reality, you know, you love them all, so like anybody in any social site, laugh loud about them all, sweeping any frustration of our mind's bottom, after all we necessarily need and demand highly schemed speedy procedure, that could kill one domain of our mind, you know so well, as I know, nevertheless, there's nothing but enjoying that parody providing social reality together, you know, any talkative kinky comedy talk or so could cross these realities' nature.

Anybody unconsciously needs immovable point in any domain in this world, just each one has own sensitivity for accepting range, that reality's aspect must never discriminate anyone, at this point, nobody must be unexceptional. 
Anyway, we all are riding on the same time system.
No other absolute truth could be found by anybody.

Yes, either today is going on daily commonplace running to this day's night.

However, otherwise, slow tempo some running could be made in this busily swtichable reality, that makes sense. And additionally anytime not digested emotion and not satisfied mind could be left to anybody. Nevertheless, truly we could never confirm that e.g. my pain is applied to any other one's it, so precisely nor so clearly, though anybody could imagine and have a guess, conjecture or so at any occasion, so arbitrarily to any other one.

Speed, you'd get you in stably but accelrated rotation in vicious circle, that your nature is truly in mind to anybody, actually unidentified and only the feeling stands still probably continusouly until we die.

What should be taken to nmechanism, speed, smooth running made by us?
How should we interpret our appearance and that our reality?

Globe moves ceaeslesslly and we who are toyed by all moves have the same dimensional development, here to you, bottoms up for our kinky and strange never replaceable reality together!

(to be continued)

Feb. 18th.   2022