Blog for Nameless-Value

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Skies are Consistently

Brightened skeis are transperantly consistent.

Skies by itself could add nothing, what could add is only us, not crows, not swallows, not eagles, hawks.

Clouds are anytime calmed at shiny skies, but once they overshadow all skies, darkeness could come up to us, but that'd be so natrual.

Skies have no seam. But human wants to make it arbitrarily.

Skies could never be purchased nor sold with compacted cugic box, nevertheless human occasionally wants to do so.

Sun's eyes radioactively injects, nevertheless, injected light could not be dissatisfied, no words, no claims in only sticking.
The powerful appearance could never be won by anything, at least at our system.

Skies are anytime showing only it.

Skies must never comprise any ideplogy, only makes brightness in each degree.

For what poetry could exsist to us?
For awakening to so simple anything, because we are prone to forget that so easily.

Blight skies makes the darkest skies, on sided brightness means another sided darkaness, just brightness only might have been so, no problem, but not that circumsance could attending us.

Skies could not be heard each voice made by us, but just absorbes all voices, only that nature is silent.

Silence makes noise, only noisy world makes no silence.

Silence's meaning is interpreted by us, so arbitrarily.
Nevertheless, purely silence has no meaning, that meaning's absence must have no enemy.

Skies are accompanying each meaning, that universally so infinite no meaning in world, universe with skies makes us meaning, only that so is truth.

However, truth could be prone to be forgotten anytime in this world.

World makes skies, but skies' turquoise blue occasionally enchantes our spirit, but to any unidentified infinity, human thing could have horror.

Human mind could be blackbox, at least at our carnal world, that could be made by our words and legally ordered civilizational common sense.

Nevertheless, nature must never discriminate specifically to that civilization.

Mankind's souls could be one nature, that erupting is irresistible to anyone, that's why each of us in skepticism.

Nevertheless, once looking over the skies, anything could be included into brightness, otherwise everything is overspreaded wildsness.

Nature is simple, but human is either, but human could never winb nature.

Skies are consistently anytime silently, nevertheless our mnd tries to be heard of any voice from them.

Skies, you are independent, around no matter happens on the earth.

Please, sometimes tell me something with so witty smart whispering, if you'd do so to me, I'd send you a so passionate kiss everyday, you know!

Feb.  26th.      2022