Blog for Nameless-Value

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Generation Z's Identifies Regression to Silent Generation

I belong to Generation Jones as one index for showing feature of own generation is regarded to have.
Though necessarily my parents are Greatest Generation belonging categorized ones.
Then, necessarily, when I was so infantile, social atomosphere around my home was surrounded by 50th latter period's left it and 60th beginning days' it mingled and budding of economical prosperous boost had been seen, and yet rock music heyday was coming, more ennui and gloomy pops songs were at heyday.

On the other hand, nowadays' actively appearing Generation Z was speding already any transmittable devises had been fixed for general usage, though they are first generation in which any allergy around using any gadget, tool for transmitting must never be existent, that own feature could be definitively given to them.

However, that very specifically noticeable feature could be paraphrazed that they have no naturally contacting any not transmittably schemed technology as old days' normal media acceptance.
In other words, they are first generation for having essential allergy to older not nowadays' usefully equipped transimittable system mode life sustenance.

First, when we older generation ones communicate with them, they have no attentive consciousness around procrastinating behavior or attitude for usage of any state-of-the-art devise's purchase or option.

In other words, we older generation ones probably can deal with relatively very inconvenient situation we suffer from pbligedly, taking it into account and endure inconvenience.
However, they'd never do so, so easily.

Thereby, when I listen to so Z generation's professional musicians, singer-song writers' tunes, songs, their generation abiding own sensitivity could be there, that so naturally positively regarded state-of-the-art technological acceptance.
Though, necessarily, there we older generation ones have no tangbile sensed emotion around alanogue sensitiviity.

This is just my impression, than our generation, generation Z ones could be seen at least to me so ungenerous at very slowly done idea proclaiming or so, but that could be made at any generation when they are all young.
Just as far as concerned with pops music scenery reality, they from the beginning, any commercialistic sensitivity could be just the most evasively regarded object at their consciousness, at least to me, that impression could come under my mind's analyzing trial in consideration around my life view.

Because more to us, nostalgic older tunes with pop songs could be heard to me, these sounds could have appropriately enough commecialistic sensitivity, but nowadays' musicians, singers' singing stance and serving sensitivity could hardly be seen commertialistic sensible practice, at least to our generation ones whose favorite music and songs were enough commercialistically positively acceptable featured, on the other hand, nowadays' songs are never so optimistic, more so critically seriously heading for these days' realities so earnestly.

These clearly regarded differentiated appearance could have been confirmed my listening daily routine between so older tunes' appreciation and these days' it.

And that crisis acceptable obliged, though to some extent, so negatively confronting gloomy mind's seriousness is easily caught by my heart and mind, when I listen to these days' hit songs, and that mode nuance otherwise could have some unidentified analogy with songs made and sung at 50th's last days and beginning days of 60th.

If my suggestion could be to some extent properly indicated, actually now we are at very one typically swtichably necessary term as human social essential conversion, and otherwise, these younger generation ones as generation Z creating activity may have been newly updated another loop compostional period, as consciously schemed period, otherwise we could assume their activity.

Of course, these all are just my subjectively analyzable description, but at next occasion of this essay series, if I was capable at taking that evidential material, I'd like to analyze my suggestion so precisely.

(to be continued)

Mar. 29th.    2022