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I'm one of Rock generation ones, isn't that Bad? Z,Y Generation ones!

Fundamentally, from Y generation to Z generation, almost songs' theme which is indwelling in singer's mind must have decisively abandonment and clear parting to only commercialism abiding stance as creator's motivation.
And that stance's mindset held by them in other words must mean the farewell to Rock and Pops' mainly dominant music scene's character and intrinsically potential nature.

Specifically Duncan Lawrence's tunes' nature indwelling middle ages' sensitivity impacted also Harry Styles as representative Pop star's strategy with Justin Beaver or so. Little bit younger Lawrence's creative stance could impact very many singers' creativity abiding sensitivity. That was one farewell to only Pop music's entertainment.

E.g Glass Animals has own strategical stance 50th American new wave culture with Elia Kazan, John Steinbeck, and their unit's naming's origin, Tennessee Williams in referring liet-motif for their own creation, in other words, from Y generation to Z one, obviously myth, literature theme abiding stance could have been outstandingly remarkable.

Another outstanding phenomenon is very interspersed regional simultaneous generating from Europe music scene to England, New Zealand, US, certainly at 80th, Australia was the ones who exceptionally took part in whole world music scene, but nowadays, moreover Euro and old continental music movement is collaborating with any other ordinary English spoken countries' zone.

Harry Styles, Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, Justin Beaver or so are all applying Middle ages' Europe's traditional chord, scale as e.g, Faurér was adopting in his life time, at 20century, Nino Rota did it either, that phenomenon was not seen 21beginning days' music scene, until Oasis, almost tendency was reliant on only Rock and Pops, but afterward Y generation into Z one, essentially nature's discerned strategical consciousness had been easily interpreted by any of us, you know.

Duncan Lawrence's theme with middle ages' spirit inclined stance could drag obviously farewell to only commercialism dependent music circle's stance, and it was clearly told farewell by mass of Y generation genius ones to Z ones. That meant some strategical denial to commecialism inclined nature as actuated stance by pop musicians.

Recently hit smashing Elton John was the last yelling from great pop music stage's with his "Cold Heart". This song is very symbolic for the expiration of light pop songs' mainly dominating culture.

E.g. US music scene had clearly Rhythm and Blues, Soul and entertainment jazz with fusion. Nowadays, specifically Bruno Mars applied that current which has streamed at US pop music scene, but now that current is to some extent personally running paralleled with hard Rock scene with Machinegun Kelly, why they are obliged to take that stance must be derived from worldwide folklore music's overspreading global phenomenon and music scenery typical movement.

Duncan Lawrence's appearance and coming-out to world music scene evokes those days' presence of Freddie Mercury, George Michael or so.

He is also taking so distinct strategy around from middle ages' sprit to modernized eras' transitive sensitivity. His Scottish identity's scream must influence these days' pop music scene's own trend and spirit.

One interpretation from Ed Sheeran to Lewis Capaldi, if we interpret their own music context, obviously EK's totalized great transition from Rock and Pops scenery strategical feature. Though, as outpost before Z generation, that stance's own feature could be comprehended by general citizens with me.

By the way, in conclusion, all Z and Y generation ones, you all are wonderful, so splendidly marvellous, to our so older generation, thank you very much for cheering us so much everyday!

Mar. 30th. 2022

Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go (Official Video)

Duncan Laurence - Arcade (Lyrics) ft. FLETCHER