Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Communicative Aspect we can Confirm❸

Once upon a time, particularly when I was a infantile children, my country had four season’s change and each seasonal feature was noticeably confirmable at least to us, as human could be pleasantly tangible at accepting each specified kind of elegance.

Nevertheless, these two decades, gradually that seasonal characteristics' gratitude could hardly be aware to anybody, substantially, now seasonal transition must consist in long winter and after it expires, suddenly at a stretch shifts into summer, and after it does, immediately winter starts, that so two polars' mainly dominant and medium and moderately gradual transition could hardly be embodied, the exceptional feature could have overshadowed these days' serially term for us.

Necessarily global warming cause must be thought by any professional scientists and that mainly thought cause has been regarded as human socially productive activity deriving factor, though CO2 emission's reduction and any smartly deliberated transaction must have been practised at any country step by step.
Nevertheless, even if we all could be attentive at not emitting unnecessary material consumptive energy in our itentional control with any smart regulation, otherwise, with another unidentified factor, eventually this earth's ecosystematic environment and to some physical mechanical extent, not to be concerned with our atrificial suppression around any unnecessary energy emission, this globe by itself with own physically derived circumstance, this our ecosystematic ambient could have been switched into unimaginable phase at least to us, that reality gradually surpassing these days' upcoming future, otherwise to it, our subconscious dimentional autonomous mind mode setting inclination could be in critically essential coversion reacting nature's environmental change could be done to us.

In other words, not only our civilizational essential energy consumptive reality causing conversion but also, from the beginning, the earth's essentially fatal transition period could have come up to our civilization.

If that assumption could be to some extent appropriately presumable view, either human being as Homo sapiens could be adapted to extreme temparature's switching from one extreme state to another it in which we'd autonomously could have own readiness around life mode replacement, nevertheless, yet many older generation ones in the earth, must never forget nor swtiched from classical seasonal common sense, though particularly older generation ones as the earth individual citizens are generally having so perplexed emotional reaction so obligedly and necessarily.
Otherwise, these complicated reasons could have dragged many countries' top leaders into applying excessively dominant dictatorship for securing own country's safety despearately and that hurrying emergently reacting perplexity could urge their own absurdity with invasion to adjoining country, otherwise so harshly military deffensive strategical bluffing to any other country around the one's country.

In other words, somewhat to us with not sufficiently elucidated cause, otherwise our mentality and spirit could ejaculate instinctively around any occurring in our society.
Though, essentially our human's condition as the proposition we must attend and anytime need to review could be endangered at so critically harsh testing by nature and in terms ethics, by God.

In other words, which we could get all of us gotten some convincing consensus around cooperating with dealing with these days' own jeopadised global circumstance or not at only sprinting around executing autcratically demoniac global stage's hegemonic army execution, this so seriously opted and reasonably controllable tested disciplene must be thrusted into our own mind.

We all as language communication applicable thinking creature must facing own converting period around setting own life future prospectively useful mindset and practical scheme, we should review our own daily attitude around concerning us with social necessary occasion and around daily communication with municipally, own belonging unit's necessary extent, both regard of scientific necessity and ethical necessity, in other words, acamically in both natural scientific regard and epistemological regard or human socially relevant scientific regard, we should review, reset, and update our mind schemed condition at each occasion.

This time, only not so flashily unattractive proposal could have done here, but even these so sober but unexpectedly forgettable mindset to us could be neccesary for showing occasionally, in other words, if we could from our daily routine, have strictly inspectably attentive attitude around doing anything, starting anything, otherwise we'd be able to evade unnecessarily caused error, false or so when we address to any mission, "Look before you leap!" that saying's instructive teaching could encorrage our purplexed mind when we are stumbling over any confronting thing's deal in daily life of us.

To another intepretable truth extent, unexpectedly our irritating mind could have been caused from touchy our unconscious inattentive mind together, though sometimes we should recheck our mutual mindset condition and occasional balanced consensus.
If mutually we'd do so well at own site abiding tacit notice, unexpectedly we could stay away from any unnecessary Aporia around running anything.

When you are obliged to stop you at doing anything, don't be hurry at solving at a stretch, and first calm it down, settling your confused emotional mind down and next you might think so deliberately around what derived anger, hesitant emotion, bewildered mind and mentality to now yourself and afterward you'd get some convincing reason in your mind, some other time, you might resume your addressing mission.

FIRST, RECHECK ANY CAUSAL MATTER with PHYSICAL extent, Your Own MENTAL extent, and SITUATED ORIGINAL CONDITIONED extent, and SOCIALLY MUTUALLY SUFFERABLE IRRESISTIBLE extent, and to each factor in comparing and reffering in relatively relevant cognition, AGAIN, you might try it for advancing to next stage!

Wish your success at dealing with your mission so smartly and appropriately for public extent and your private extent!

You can do it, believe in your competent ability and sufficiently equipped capability!

( Irregularly to be continued)

Apr. 3rd.     2022