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Light Flight b.

One social order has efficiency substance, though that society embodies only constant switching according to members faces replacement in generation shift and that reality necessarily dragging constant aspect change.

However, that mode social achieving appearance must be abandonent of any permanence.

If only that typed society continues to achieve only short term advantage, and only the reality dominate whole world, any nature resourses must be demolished and all species ecosystem must be ruine.

Hurrying flight dominant world makes any belonging have only strategically movable worrier necessarily outputting some degree affirmatively overlooking any activity dragging necessary sacrificed ones.

And for making any general citizen forget unfortunate ones, daringly social justice and only formal ceremonial reporting and that reporting bringing broadcasting companies network is composed.

Then, the kind of society is made any introspective mind and regard only preceding commerce.

Consequently, that huge power must make all competitive races' loser belief and bond, the movement makes it another social common sense abiding form society. Latter society has relatively long term not switched membership and only constantly changing social phenomena suppression abiding society which is to lose sacrificed ones as much as possible.

But this system adapting society necessarily makes it bureaucratism dominant autcracy.

Each sided ones have some dropouts. And necessarily, that dropouts is at each side opposed side's winners.

Just one strange common nature both ones' each bureaucrats relatively gets parmanent stability of income and status guarantee for lifetime.

Only they previously have secured light flight mind almost everyday. In exchange for it, they abandon all adventurous daily reality and mind.

In other words, former typed society has majority belonging to be adventurers as not fixed membership form, latter one has fixed class's promotion like bureaucrats.

(to be continued)

Apr. 11th.   2022