Blog for Nameless-Value

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Fixed Truth

One seen so fixed truth can have us obliged to take it orthodox idea around doing anything, nevertheless, our mind itself keeping our action assimilated with its standard for the present we once judged reliant on doing for making our own routine in a day.

Nevertheless, that’d be seen so ambiguously not so trustworthy in already doing anything, there we are apt to have own reservation on showing some excuse to any concerned one, but simultaneously if we once stop any doing and showing that quitting stance to any concerned one, originally our mindset and already setup scheme was comprehended as falsehood, though even if we can have some procrastination around proceeding anything with no reviewal or kind of introspective inspection for getting anything reviewed in another angle we can’t take usually in forgetting that angled view.

That suggestion could be effective for knowing and convincing us that generally our view regarding credible stance around comprehending world’s totalized move.

Nowadays reporting reality probably specifically done in west sided countries, only Ukraine sided concerned ones are all genuinely just and correct at opting everything, on the contrary, Russian sided ones are all devilish, that viewing stance is kind of horrific at least to me.

Certainly to any babies unfortunately and miserably joined into death toll in Ukraine were the most sorry presence, but simultaneously the younger soldiers dispatched by Russian military top commander of head-quarter had been sacrificing any infantile children and babies as orphan and either protesting anti-war demonstrating citizens are either victim by President’s atrocious decision.

One sided advocating so inclined biased stereotyped justice propaganda must be another sin and another malicious discrimination.

However, that interpreting sentences could be left to my another essay series, ”Communicative Aspect we can Confirm”.

Anyway, fixed seen absolutely correct idea and stance must be treated so carefully maximally and attentively inspected by our so precisely careful eyes and assessing mind.

(irregularly to be continued)

Apr. 11th. 2022

Appendix; at knowing our own personal questionable subject or proposition, we can have assessment around that mind and idea holding, simultaneously means so publicly integrally treated issue in our conscientious mind.

In other words, we can have mind of personal idea and it either means publicly sharable bond consciousness mind and objectively detached general opinion abiding assimilating idea and stance, and these all are never divided so clearly, because all regarded ideas are mutually interacted in one our mind as our totalized analysis.

By the way, at studying academic analytical philosophy circle, they are prone to regard this essay’s suggestion as falsehood, or only propaganda abiding criticism through their own skepticism but that attitude is extremely misleading strategy we should treat it so negatively, to that honest attitude we should learn from mathematics academic circle and logics academic circle. and from now on, we should try to all these issues in totalized view including theology and ethics, in other words, our human presence as us now just is at starting point for the first time to us, you know.