Blog for Nameless-Value

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Regional Essential Gap and Liberalism’s Ideal Chapter 1.

In any country, each region has own history, convention and own idea around social survival.
E.g. very rural areas' environmental many factors remaining zone must have own geographical circumstance.

In other words, we should not make light of that geographically dragging own regional situation and necessity around surivival in that field.
In franl, liberalism must depend on only city zone's common sense mainly leaning on just ideally notinal idea dependent some upper class ones' them.

Meanwhile, if we debate social guarantee, life security and our nationalistic safety net around defensive strategy or so must never be deleted from any society.

First, in world, at any country, city zones' general transportation circumstance is very highly technonogically rationalized in some the best sophistication. Though if we make transit from one dot to another with only civilized and city infrastructural eqipped fields, we realtively easily can head for any place with airplane or long distance transpotation busses or so.

However, any inbetween or halfway so depopulated or just empty zones must have own inconvenience and necessaarily any citizen must have necessity to fight with that reality for survival. Medicine necessity's reacting circumstance, food procurement it or so are mutually very differentiated between city urban infrastructural zones and rural zones.

There must be many irresistibel circumstances around gap of polulated zones and depulated ones in world's any region.

By the way, yesterday, in my country, national broadcasting company made on air "I am Greta". Necessarily it was the movie about Ms, Greta Thornburg as environmental activist in daily reported documantary.
Her social justice abiding claiming content must belong to ultra liberalism, and according to biological data reference, her claiming content must be correct.
Nevertheless, simutaleneously, at any rural zone, very seriously gapped own inconvenience must make any resident have some another ideally inproved reality.
That must be contradictory against Greta's transportation usage only reliant on ships and her mainly targetted numerical aim must be only for so upper class social citizens so convincing.

In other words, for the people who live in the depolulated zones, trasnportation convenience for heading for urban zones is one of the most craving item, probably for majority settle at rural areas. Nevertheless, she emphacizes only eco-systematic necessity around saving emission of CO2 unnecessarily and according to biological justice, her claiming content must be justice, nevertheless, that ideal keeping reality must be composed with just any rural zones' habitant's perseverance not being provided any convenience, in urban zone anybody could get so easily for only cheaper charge of any anergy consumption and distributuion. rationing.

Liberal ideal idea must depend on only city zones' ideally regarded justice.
Her country has either at city zone, very fecund diary farming and its technology, but at many countries, not that ideally equipped social environment must not be always done so.

Of course, nevertheless, her claiming truth must never be wrong, but just these so seious gap must have been left behind to both urban areas' habitants and rural ones in equality.

If only environmental dstructive harm is ebated, certainly her theory is just orrect, but that her idelly improved reality should have simultaneous really sufficient any zones' habitants' own life spending amenity and properly provided convenience.
In ther words, both ideally global ecosystem gurdiance and each citizen's life fulfillment must be executed in reformation by political regard both with governning, bureaucrats' duty, and idea freedom for any individual citizen.

Probably only one of them could have devoid at providing degree, all are becoming no effectiveness, that could be convincing truth for any citizen.

At next occasion to debate this theme, really directly concerned CO2 reduction issue so carefully.
(Irregularly to be continued)

May. 8th.   2022