Blog for Nameless-Value

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Everlasting's Absence A.

Superficiality must have been used only for criticizing just fragile and momentarily surviving things only for carnally desirable amusing thing.
Nevertheless, substantially, now capitalism applying countries' adopting strategy must rely on only economically circulating thing's usefulness around enriching habitual life spending degree of amenity and rationalized convenient systematic life's sustenance.

However, on the other hand, there must be composed one strictly logical idea, that is fragilely only temporary and each term interim some trial nature everything must be indespensable at least at capitalism's economic activity.

Though, since modernized eras started, at least at interpreting substance, almost citizens have advocated only what can accompanies economical circulation's numerical target complition, though nevertheless some academic circle scholars used and even recently never forsake that concept, that socially phenomenal facts must prove that some people certainly disagree that fragilely only circulating stimulant attitude and stance in claiming synonim of substance, e.g. " superficial," just defining their criticizing only economical circulating rationalism abiding stance advocation.

In other words, analytical philosophers' mainly usage around "superficial" means their own contradictory and never gulped own gapped emotion, meanwhile, capitalism's economical circulating rationalism should be the common sense, that their idea just adjoins with another idea that in spite of that modernized theory's advocation, simultaneously everlasting essential view should never be neglected, that so pious and religiously honest view should never be ignored so easily, that both sides mutually hostile, but both sided ideas could never be gotten rid of their brains.

This very typically unsolved ambivalence means some Chirstianity's own very difficult interim solution and withholding irresistible solution's essence must be discovered in these serially made arguement.

On the other hand, almost ones admit everlasting as the absolute value which derived from God, Lord notion and will, belief around credo inclined mind must suspend everlasting as the absolutely recognizable concept which could be replaced with "parmanence", but at the same time, they either advocate freedom and for realizing that concept, they all are obliged to admit liberalism economic activity and each individual citizen's free option, and these opted consequently made reality must rely on so short-lived effective only expendable convenience.

These obviousl facts must evidence that Chirstianity pulling ethical norm or idea's standard, or criterion must depend on mutal hostile and mutual contradictory plainly offsetting necessity, in other words, otherwise, that idea's background e.g. with Heidefggar or Sartre or so those days had some idea, in "Sein und Zeit", oblivion from being(Seinsvergessenheit)specifically indicates that we are busy at absorbing only carnally only present time abiding anytime swtichable reality, and through engaging us in only that running, consequently parmanent idea or, pious belief to God and His time in parmanence must have been forgotten unconsciously. His mainly claimable message could be interpreted so. Sartre was impacted by Heideggar's that great text and outputted his own theory through his masterpiece "L'Être et le néant" as falsehood of "myself". That signifies more practical interpretation toward Heideggar's Seinsvergessenheit in also sociologically meant some concrete description in daily scene.

In other words, these serially tried some desperately addressed resistance to modernized society inventing own rationalism abiding rationalized expendable idea, otherwise consumptively dealt own contemporary social procedurally admittable postively practiced negligence toward mildly treating pitiful contancting stance to each indvidual person, in other words positively fighting behavior in competitive society, necessarily that sustenance must output bullying act and ignorance and disregarding any merciless treating to powerless ones at least in terms of work site's hard busyness.

Otherwise, David Lewis as reperesantative analytical philosopher's main text "On the Plurality of World" using frequent iteration around "superficial" could have meant his own implicitly expressed criticism around contemoporary society's appearance overlooking any affectionate deal to each section charged one's presence. 

On the other hand, certainly substantial value means kind of desperately done minimal resistance against only consumptively expendable reality's subjective and positive affirmation. "Essential" means more basically signified being's generally irreplaceable and never swtichable rudiment composite presence.
Toward its "essence", "substance" must mean embodied essence in ordinarily admittable degree, and toward both two concepts, "superficial" means more ephemerally not completed beforehand mature progress made step, instantly replaced to next outputted arbitrary substitute in trun regularly or irregularly conversion.

Anyway, any exmpled situation could be thought, everlasting's really embodied appearance could never be obtained, that nuance and own empty echo could be read in "superficial", and rather contemorary society's financing system and economics' basic principle must lean on that positively applicable reality's admission, then necessarily Z genration singer-and-song writers' many hit chart topically subject making pops and rap songs are cynically and ironically screaming lament around dealt as only expendables.
Necessarily to them, spiritually their given birth age's 9.11 incidentally shoked aftermath must have worked in their subconsciousness.

In other words, their song writing and singing stance must have own everlasting absence ages' or so long times' own psychological anxious unstable mind, in other words, rather we could interpret that only superficial consistently convertible reality must have been fixed absolutely trustworthy capitalism and liberalism abiding each citizen's free option and ideologically justice regarded the sole standard. And just against their realities, they could try to protest that contradictory realities with own message in expressing own lyrical chain in their song writing stance.

(Irregularly to be continued)

May. 14th.   2022