Blog for Nameless-Value

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Mind and Act a.

Our mind is each different idea stuffing kind of cell.

Though, fundamentally, anybody must have clear understanding only to own idea.
Because our brain is each divided only known to brain's owner. That nature is symmetrically signified to each action.

Because action is completely publicly shown and displayed, completely different from idea stuffed in our brain.

Each idea appears only in brain is certainly very closed to each brain, though idea is stuffed only in each cell, however mind could be relatively some tendency could be seen through each one's expression, complexion or so.

Thus, basically, each idea is usually completely preserved as one specific secrecy, but expression and complexion accompanied externally shown appearance must be the indication of mind.
Though, other one's mind to some degree could be seen to anybody except the other one.

Act must be publicly shown to anybody as long as the one stays in extent the one could confirm the other one in acting.
Though, the most easily comprehensive indication is anytime act.

Then, next display must be shown possibly.


From left to right, we can confirm so easily physically dimensionally.
And the leftest IDEA means just stuffed only in each brain, however, with some occasion, in taking chance to pull out into public, that manifest becomes action.

Though, consequently, brain attending idea is constantly the most private, and personal, and action is constantly the most public, even if somebody tries to do something as much as abstinently.

And, very typically the most dangerously done act is making speech or daily chattering to any other one.
Because that easily done spoken content is apt to invite so disgusting emotion and unpleasant impression from any other person around the speaking one.

With these exampled matters, we could conclude like next.

SOCIETY must be substance at which anybody must take the maximal attention never to give any harm to any public assets and other one.

Why I try to interpret is caused from publicly comprehended and understood concept is anytime belonging to only what could head for not personally inclined socially useful idea and acting significance.

That kind of mind scheme is probably at the most completely another dimensional thing against our emotionally held mind as very instincively irresistible idea around own profit, happiness, and subjective ease.

Nevertheless, unexpectedly we can never discriminate both things so esily.

And, even if we could think that our own behavior, manner and attitude could be so appropriate, never that moment must incidentally take place, though, for preventing the case from taken place around us, we should listen to familiar or trustworthy other one's idea, usually so intentionally.

(Irregularly to be continued)

May. 15th.   2022