Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Practical Plasticity B.

To us, own idea must be composed with our personally believable and confident idea.

Nevertheless, even if what we personally think so better or objectively regard the appropriate, these occasionally could lose the focused point, of course, criticizing one could be with wrong idea, but simultaneously our personally believing idea coule be wrong neither.

Though, whatever we personally engage us in, our personal confidence must be the most important, nevertheless, that skill, idea, or anything must have any other one's support, advocating mind, trust or so.

In other words, own conviction and any other one's agreement or conviction around our job's trustworthy and confident assessment by any other one.

For getting these, first, we need us have strictly exact confidence no matter kind of doing publicly.

One of the most integrally vital condition must be our mind's certain articulation both at mentioning well-known thing and not well-known one, articulation in mentioning at utterance and description, that truth must never discriminate any form, as long as when we tell somebody our idea.

Speech and writing act are universally well told to any accepting one only when we personally speak, write so well confident at our own clearly held mind's conviction.

Our language act with speaking and writing, even if both have own formally discriminated gap, nevertheless, the most important and indispensable matter for our personally doing is just narrating, describing with conviction and self confidence. And the most irreplaceable mimd must be mentioning, explaining, interpretating, translating, articulating, analyzing reason's own conviction and certain self-confidence at doing so, in other words, only at us equipped all these item minds, any utterance and written work must send the mainly told truth.

Even believimg thing, personally unbelievable thing, confident thing, and ehther not confident thing's honest confessions must tell something to anybody, unless these are cheeting or pretending to know well, any articulated and mentioned thing must deliver our own remark, idea, intention, will or anything to minds heard one and reading one each has.

Our brain and words usage must attend that so miraculous working mechanism and well-done function for our own communication.

(Irregularly to be continued)

May. 2nd.    2022