Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Logical Constancy Deliberated with Time abiding Truth C.

When we consider time abiding reality and our idea, obviously we are at analyzing dimension in relevance with our bodily sensation, sensing habitual reality, otherwise, our immanently scheming around imaginary and picturable introspective appearance for our mind itself are never so negligible matter.

Because we usually have any imagination and interpretation absolutely attending spatially cognitive mind.

One is our diagram interpretative mind. And second is our memory abiding mind around any kind of recollective and reminiscent mind attending own brain activity.

In other words, former example means systematically introspective mind and more abstract comprehensive mimd.

Meanwhile latter means episode memory abiding empirically signifying mind as well as bodily tangible sensing and visually impacted each past thing of accidentally made spatially recollective mind at each site and personal occasion.

And, just almost philosophers and logicians were passing through these very indispensable propositions.

And generally, these were left only to visual psychology or physiology, psychoanalysis or so.

However, these very transmitted reality and propaganda abiding own very frequent visualizing and auditory sensing reality makes us have own questionable mind.Though, we really know that only metaphysical and analytical philosophical proposition dependent method could never satisfy our intellectual and intelligent knowledgeable questioning mind to our true mentality and generally necessary idea.

Though, I'd like to address to proposition around more directly developable applicable suggestions and proposal in this series.

And for composing and constructing, forming these proposed things, I'd like to use this title series of this beginning.

At next occasion, I'd like to mention Russell's several his own Paradox as his philosophical and logical importance.

Specifically, next chance will address to his so famous "Five-minute hypothesis".

(Irregularly to be continued)

June 11th.   2022