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Intuition Consists in Space B.

By the way, any logical evidencing is based on time abiding thinking mechanism.

Why it is given to us must be caused from that time is never staying there and it only carries any change.

Though, necessarily, time by itself is not defined as clear substance.

And, analysis and its process are sustained with time abiding cause and result logically thought system.

Meanwhile, space makes sense not easily defined nor interpretated. Because it is not the object to comprehend.

Though, any spatial extended expression with words are so few.

Because infinitely opened and extended appearance and modus ponens easily surpasses any logical scheming.

Though originally, language itself, notion, concept and meaning are not matching any spatially ontlogical condition and spatially extended aspect.

In other words, to us, horizontal sensing, geographically not contacting extention are never matching words expression. These are easily expressed by art, photography or so.

These truths evidence that to us, almost paraphrased empirical matters are all time abiding nature given things. In other words, almost explainable matter is dependent on epistemologically schemed Idea and the fact by itself means words and language activity consists in going along with time running reality.

Though, even Heideggar's ontology is neither so spatially complition. Ontlogy's interpretation relies on words abiding epistemological ideas' synthesis.

And synthesis itself is based on time.

Simply, as long as we are reliant on words and understanding and comprehension, we can never be perfection at being ontlogical.

In other words, rather ontlogy is only mobilized for reinforcing epistemology, because almost logically schemed ideas are epistemologically thought materials otherwise, interpretative tools for running our daily and action.

In frank, action and space are possibly matched, nevertheless, however, fundamentally, action is consistently signified socially and epistemologically.

Meanwhile, space is genuinely never schemed thing, because scheming means our brain usage for socially significant meaning outputting. Though, space is perfectly irrelevant with thinking, as it consists in only genuinely ontlogical being abiding appearance.

Though, naming "space" is one of falsehood or perfect expediency.

And, necessarily, intuition must depend on rationally analyzed mind procedure, processed idea, though it relies on mainly accidentality.

Rather when we are mindfully deadlocked, intuition must be effective for finding outlet.

Though, outside classroom means promotion toward emancipation from our epistemological mind binding  as socially definitive mind for us.

Nature and space are well smartly matching relevance, really embodied on the earth.

And, with accidentally given suggestion, we can have chance to unhook entangled deadend situation.

Intuition must be mobilized at that situation.

Though, in terms of its feature, intuition even if logical it could be excited with accidental nature to our mind, though, intuition consists in even if we are at thinking moment, it is illogically intrigued moment in it as signified as not only time but also so spatially intrigued occasion abiding meaning.

Probably our brain and mind must have autonomous coordinating mechanism around relevance with necessity and accidentality.

(Irregularly to be continued)

June 14th.  2022

AppendiX; Our brain has probably both mindful nature and bodily nature otherwise as part's role or functioning element, and it means reasonable thinking belongs to mind one, and intuition does to body one.