Blog for Nameless-Value

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21century Decisive Truth ①

The most horrible and horrific reality is that any individual citizen could get so maximal power.

Necessarily, that was done by our owning personal terminal.

And substantially, probably, that reality must never be made like those days' simple reality.

Upper truth means that we have to accustom us with substantial inherently evil theory of us in detached contacting way for anything as long as we are concerned with human relevant matter.

We have to be cooler at looking at our own appearance,  just in cooled down state of mind. Just we should calm it down for keeping our reason.

Because our already made reality is constantly instigating our devilish mind as if testing machine of censorship authority's only for controlling our seductively mobilizing satanic mind.

After all, our contemporary society is our spontaneous suppressing preventively schemed subconscious mind of our so inherently evil presence by ourselves.

In other words, we at least unconsciously previously are already known to our not completely goodness abiding presence. Though, we can define that we all are spontaneous self ridiculing self controlling thinking machine schemed by God and we've already been conscious about our original nature from our infantile days.

We all are given birth presence to us as incomplete devil on the earth.

By the way, these interpretation is similar to Jean C octeau otherwise, Shuji T erayama as 20century's very genius literature creators.

(Irregularly to be continued)

June 15th.  2022

Appendix; Consequeuntly, US's absolute freedom abiding ideology with gun, rifle state-of-the-art commodities purchasing freedom rather justifies Russian invasion to Ukrine as giving Putin the best justifying reason. And even if R ussian invasion to Ukrine is the most sinful origin, making a chance to appeal U krine President in morning entertainment news show on TV.

Because war thing must output sacrifices also in invading country except invaded country.

Journalism's media should keep neutral political stance at least at public on air reality.

If that was neglected like these days, that could be either masscommunication's own dictatorship embodiment.