Blog for Nameless-Value

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Gate Opened to the Future

Future prospect and promise is based on you. Because your presence is just key to future road.

Because, in stormy situation around me, only your staying by my side makes me courage.

Though, in any hard routine set to me, your introduction to your gate as you set on me is any powerful force for breaking through all, being given your preparatory gate for me, first, which is breaking through even Jericho's wall.

My arrow's thrown stroke from my bow must make me empowered vigor for the future, through your welcoming gate for me.

I'm either worrier in my belonging circle.

Your mild slash drives me into Venus's smile on her hill.

Sluggish days' my lazily accustomed moment could recover original vivefied ground by your invitation for me.

Please open your gate for me with the best it for me, finally for us together.

My easy time acquisitive stroke must open the future through your conceiving messenger's message to God!

June 29th  2022