Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

True Difficulty a.

Anybody needs true humane mind and humanity abiding idea, but in so harshly exploited situation, how can we be perfectly so kind hearted?

Publicly demanded own matter should be procecuted so smarty, but some layoff or occasionally death sentence execution must be done in necessity.

Though we all are tested by God. Because we all are destined to fight against very many things than previous presumption. 

After all, how we deal with these incompatibility?

We are never able to opt birth date and dying date.

Probably nobody must have no regret life running.

However, approaching dyng moment makes you perfectly satisfied mind, that'd be okay, for the present we can say so.

But even those all will be uncertain.

Though obviously clearly understandable matter is not so difficult.

But simultaneously, easy thing's own integrity is not so easy to comprend nor capture.

In the end, only complicated and difficult reality's force must move around our mind and life, spiritually and materially.

Though, being is complied with metaphysically and substantially simultaneously.

Yes, in the end, simplicity, ease, settled state are the most difficult to get along with our own life.

(Irregularly continued)

Nov. 7th. 2022