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Communicative Aspect we can Confirm 21

Luther serially continues subsequentlxt from ⑳' s dealt sentences like next.

"There's what I'm afraid of next thing. Abby and sect's pleading or life mode are never consisting in Timoty(the first Epistle of Paul the Apostle to) 1.3 they teach hypocrisy which is told by the ones whose talk is falsehood(lie or so), prohibit marriage and decline the food originally they should receive so thankfully, that kind of state of affairs.

Of course, necessarily, Saint Bernardus, Saint Francesco, Saint Dominico, otherwise various Cathoric monastic orders and their founders' ideas are never cricized as my mentioning ones. God must have His own idea, to it we should have awe, we are never capable at measuring. According to Daniel, God protected in dictator's government, politics of God's absence, Daniel, Hananiah, Azaria, Michael excluding dirty. By the way, how come he did not consecrate them and didn't guide through holy ghost's specified achievement? God didn't example as model for believers in Babylon, how come? God could never actually salvate these people with plead or abby life. He did so only through belief. That was deflnite. Those pleading is as some pretending obedience abiding posture is the furthest as the most contrary positioned."

This part's Luther's theory composition signifies so clearly showing Christianity's basic course and its integrity. For convincing us, he dared to apply first concessive respect to histopical great saints and afterward he alleged his the most integral religious belief stance so clearly. That his interpreting and manifesting in enlightenment to general believers are very strategical and follows very older traditional convincing logics. Because enlightenment in education must be so effective at once showing first respecting to Saints as finally criticizing objects for negating and criticizing our Past great thinkers as the objects for Reformation.

Though, necessarily he was never very ages and eras atmosphere following only radical revolutionist, but genuinely so pure theoretician and mildly enlightening own educator.

These means that logical conviction must be established at only so mildly enlightening process, because logical convincing and convicting must be completed only by very easy and the most seen credible explanatory modus ponens as very penetrating persuasiveness around enlightening any believer(not only this case's religious belief conviction but also any territory matters).

In this term, Luther was also one very great educator as logical procedure conceivable and capturing theorist. That's why he succeeded his intending truly revolutionary religion reformation. In other words, in these interpreted context, he was very smart and enchanting poetic revolutionist.

Appendix; Until his time quoted parts of his text, his quoting the Old Testament's chapter is like next.(only these are 🔯, other is New Testament)






The Book of Psalm🔯




Timothy Ⅰ

The Acts

The Book of Isaiah🔯

The Book of Proverbs🔯



The Epistle of Paul The Apostle To The Colossians  

The Book of Lamentation🔯




(Relatively unexpectedly his quoting leans on either The Old Testament.)

❇️ As I urged you when I went into Macedoniaーremain in Ephesus that yot may charge some that they teach no other doctrine, nor give heed to fables and endless genelogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith.(Timothy)

Upper Bible's claiming consists in our own nature interpreted with theory of inherently born wickedly. 

Dec. 16, 17th.     2022