Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

I'll Take You to Another Home

Your home is always on your heart and mind.

But many many blocks stand on your road.

Let me drive your heart rekindle. Because I'm an Angel for your another love getting!

Your mind paradise is anytime so ambivalent.

Because you straightforward try to advance on your road for your setting goal at each occasion in updating.

But it'd be your lifetime's expiration, though your another mind must try to pause to the place everybody goes in the end of life!

Your home is filled with many heartwarming furniture.

However, occasionally another home must call you to come there. That home must shout from the place, saying "I'll take yov to another home!"

Your mind will palpitate for anticipating its call and picturing on arrival for that place, though also help you out from your only busy cycle and rotation.

Though I also whisper you it, just "I'll take you to another home!"

Jan.29-30th., Feb. 2nd.    2023