Blog for Nameless-Value

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Ontological Interpretable Conceivable Ideas' Substance A.

In frank, our vital propositional idea we have to grapple with is just the only which we can grasp our Being's own intrinsic nature as the absolute substance or not. However, we can never watch our whole lifetime at a stretch like not our seing any cloud or so in the skies. Because our lifetime's wholly totalled comprehensive interpreting is utterly impossible, because at nine yeas old we'd had only the yeas old one's view, though at any age we'd have the same circumstance to be known only at the age, and we'd never have whole lifetime's one specific totalled view at a stretch.

Though even if we'd catch our whole lifetime's totalled view in terms of comprehensive notional grasp, that view is only summarized formulatable diagram tasty understanding.

Meanwhile, each now's specified identity is relatively so easily indicative to anybody.

Nevertheless, each that "now"'s collected time's range is not lifetime's whole picture. That collected and gathered cognition is anytime very arbitrary instant idea.

Certainly, only what we constantly have each "now" and anytime universally now's cognition attends each past and each future.

But those are never whole time's lifetime's running intrinsic absolute nature or essence. Only at dying moment we'd die personally, otherwise livable signified truth could be totally interpreted consequently.

To some our daily life spending own mind accompanying ideas are probably consisting in what life thing is constantly folded own time abiding "now" 's transitive running in ratification.

If we try to catch up with time's own summarized diagram, comprehensively caught substance must mean only our own mind and body in one identified substance's own transitive time running's cognition.

Though, Ontological mind's catchable comprehension to lifetime's wholly totalled view is anytime deterring our scheming from being guided to absolute conclusion.

Though actually, only diagram displayable own notional Epistemological comprehension is constantly outputted there.

Though to some summary abiding extent, otherwise "now" 's constant attending reality at least means that we are surely alive.

Now's sustainable running means time, and on that continuous time anybody's life in Ontological comprehension, and time's own date indication means our daily time systemic usage in Epistemology.

However as long are we are alive, we can catch time's own nature in Epistemological interpreting. But, that Ontological totalled schemed cognition is not so easily providable nor caught up with it so at a stretch.

Though otherwise, that never grasped at a stretch in mystifying our own being's intrinsic substance at a time, only passing time's appearance could be remarkably outstanding and at another time, time's running is seen obviously slowly  hardly be passed. Though surely we can judge that any time running must involve our mentality with time's running appearance we can see and confirm in feeling own time cutting in gradual transition at time systematic moving.

Epistemological time's systematic structure means "each now" has absolutely past "nows" and "yet coming next now". But constantly only Ontological time's systematic structure must mean "each now" and that ceaseless running must make some identified "time running". Only the conclusion is deduced, so far.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 3th.    2023