Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Mirage Out of the blue Floating in front of My Eyes // Climax chapter to Finale O'.1.

To me, daily routine is in frank, only very ambiguous impression could be done to me, because any our own doing's outcome constantly is very uncertain until consequently we welcome not concerned with result's nature. Except very out of the blue consequence is provided.

Anyway, to me, making my operating team so nicely active is anytime so carefully conceivable. And very necessarily my team crews are except I and Veto, in spite of sect difference, fundamentally all ones are Moslim. Though I everyday do the same worshipping on the floor heading for Mecca.

Morning glow, over the noon, afternoon, after evening glow. Everyday, day by day, we wish and adore Allah. 🌟  That is our mission team's necessarily made regulation.

To our mission crews unit, that could be a little bit different, but the head ones with C○A's director and the one's colleagues are basically not that different from each other. They probably have anytime two sided attitude. That must be formally dutifully necessary press releasing content, very intentionally pretending around truth informing as occasionally bluffing and other time, very ambiguously expressing in mystifying any truth persuit by reporting missioned ones' own curious questions as dodging any agitating guiding to journalism's propaganda making ambition.

                🔵        🌎       🌎        🌎         🔵

These days, we stood by one small second floor room for investigating job for specifically Ch○n○s○ army and military weapons manufacturing factories drone or any investigating tools operating situations we could confirm through many small gadgets and terminals.
One farmer wife and husband own warehouse for agricultural vehicles had second floor, though we lent the room after negotiation around their satisfied reward.
But that room was not so bigger that we in turn in location, stood by and each one was staying at off-duty time the closest village with several amusement arcade and one small residence was used for our own staying with nighttime sleeping and food taking. Necessarily Sophia and occasionally taken companion women with Alexandra and Julie are usually more distanced one small city adjacent as reverse direction for guys staying village residents we lent from owner family went abroad and absent from the residence and the guys standing by farmer family's warehouse 2floor.

That day, at final game of WBC, J○p○n won the U○A. Latter's serial victory was controlled by S○M○R○I J○P○N. Veto must have been happy at very complexed emotion at his stationed J○p○n's Y○k○t○ Airforce Base with any other U○ officers. He was pleased with any victory at that case. MVP was Shohei Otani.
But J○p○n○s○' own habit for mutually celebrating Do-Age was not popular in the U○A.
That day was J○p○n's Prime Minister visited to Ukr○○n○ and President Z○r○nsk○. Lately as Presi. D○d○'s decision, P○l○nd supplied M○g 29 as ex-S○V○○t to Ukr○○n○. sl○V○k○○ either reinforced their arms. In other words, countries around Ukr○○n○ and R○ss○○ had to secure own military necessary security for protecting own people.

After all, we'd face M○○mM○r's own harsh dictatorship governmental discriminating minority race's salvation again. And, very lately, at 13th. at Sh○n state, M○○○mm○r army was air bombardment to one village Northern Easter Northern from our staying village in Th○○l○nd's riverside in m○○mm○r, very atrociously generated. That was at monastery, and when democratic armful organization ones headed for that building, M○○mm○r army soldiers were doing shooting.
That was army soldiers took refuge general citizens 30 ones and 3 priests from attacked building made them stand in front of wall of the building, and shot them, at the next day, 28ones' death was confirmed.
According to H○m○n R○ghts' w○tch analysis, the last year since last Dec. 263 ones were murdered by army.
Though, we with conference, decided to train as imitation shooting military training execution for really executing salvation for refuges. And we were never truly licensed C○A agents, though true gun shooting was never forgiven, though necessarily, only anaesthesia guns were allowed to shoot, training as well.

We all previously wared own provided bulletproof vest to each other. And at a line we all were aligned in a chain with regulated interval.
There are forests almost jungle with almost several decades forgotten at map location as desolated forests could once pass over the river, over there is M○○mm○r and many anti-government guerrillas and hidden secret police rangers could ambush. Though jungle forests guerrilla strategical operation was schemed in my brain. That was partially applied through my younger days' S○uth A fr○c○'s copper mine's worker procurement and jungle forests criminal for holdup transactional human resources doing to landowner as ranger unit's training experience was utilized in taken advantage of past my all empirically practiced knowledge.

At those circumstanced time running, to my terminal one Z's transmitted message was arriving. That was extraordinary miserably and shocking report.
Y was chased to her usually using blast furnace and she abandoned of escaping from her chased deadend, obliged committing a suicide by her emergent decision. To begin with, Z was telling me through my mobile phone that she was committing a suicide as she was prevented her from escaping route. Though she used the last card for keeping organization's clandestine items, because she had that time so important top secret data files as chips, though in run, she desperately previously sent any indispensable data files' contents semiolosic cipher diagram to Z and original data was attended with herself and burnt out in blast furnace with her body. And I was sent those precise data around her last moment from Z. Then, I told my all members at jungle ranger training time, summarized content to them at a stretch at training resting time. After my reporting content told to anyone, anybody showed own gloomy and spiritually worn expression. Specifically to Sophia and Saddidham, her death informing was seen mentally shocked at their own lament expression.❇️(content of her confessing voice as substitute of will she recorded to her terminal as spoken voice will be shown at next 'P. )

Y was at least for Saddham, Sophia and me, and 'Aquil, not that smaller influencer as missioned task force consciousness abiding personal reason. Though her death was forcing us to have an idea around our all personal death. By the way, 'Aquil at P○k○st○n, was invesvigating around Ir○n○n weapons' technological trade and knowledge-based clandestine alliance made through their own network.

Anyway we used Z providing own ambushing enemy's appearance with Z's headquarters pioneering scientific analyzable uncertainty applicable machine around enemy ambushing through probable computer controllable target jumping out programed machine.

We used tranquilizer gun for shooting popping up targets in turn in uncertainty. And at first stage, we only follow Z's supplying computer controllable appearing popping target shooting so autonomously. But beginning moment we could enjoy it, but soon we'd had fed up with it.
At the condition we all were tiresome at keeping the same rotating, suddenly, Armad loudly voiced us "How about using our own favorite danceable Pop song as making us some rhythmic tempo for aiming target and shooting.
That moment, in chain reaction, Ambartsum proposed "I Can't Stop the Feeling" by Justine Timburlake?"

After all, we applied his proposing that tune for taking own danceable rhythm. And gradually each member tried to dancing body moving like usually holiday time enjoying breaking's groove in applications for taking shooting timing. Radio on air A○N's Pop songs' requesting programs for taking danceable beat.
Though, certainly, hit probability was raising so obviously.

Consequently, Y's last moment's circumstance was disclosed with transmitted her own escaping time's description to terminal's memo as she set after her death automatically transmitted to any member's terminal that was like next.
(Irregularly continued)

Mar. 22nd.     2023