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In Advertisement Flood Distraction a.

Our own sensibility is anytime irritating buzzing, you know. Coz we all are at daily reality very many distraction made by unnecessary advertisement at irresistible social reality, indeed.

Very finitely treasuable advertisement is only exceptional, almost other things are completely useless information to anybody.

Unnecessarily inserted buzzing from next to another, but at each assaulting, any sensitive mind should never be mobilized so unnecessarily, you see, though we should have very lazy boldness. It could be even either arrogant coz without it, we'd never deal with every daily necessary routine so smartly, you know.

In other words, to us, personally uninteresting everything must be just only buzzing, buzzing, buzzing in mind, eyes, ears, every our own organ, you see.

None the less, to that strange reality, totally we have to love and have some attachment, without them, we'd be survived by very vigilant violent controlling power for the nation.

Because we are never communists. We are not richer bourgeoisie, but simultaneously spiritually we should never abandon noble spirit to some mind legacy necessary extent.

We are obliged to enjoy any unnecessary buzzing everyday, because we have no other option but capitalism economics abiding busy and noisy realities, you see.

To any distraction, why don't we take it so positive as irritating and enduring mental test game sensibility should be introduced into our daily routine dealing mind, so effectively, as buzzing entertainment in our own days.

Enjoy all surplus reality to us, so smartly, you also, so, and sometimes quitting any game and close your eyes, and deeply breath in and out, and restart everything again, you know.

Advertisement floods composing reality means so many agonized life spenders' own wisdom for eating and that affirmating stance means capitalism.
And that harsh reality on daily days for only working needs us own holiday with Sundays or so, you know.

At doing something ardently, necessarily distracting advertisement information flood must be the evidence of each one's own life spending necessity in own money flow made reality for sustaining our own promised land, and on Sunday, going to church or praying in chapel, and taking nap and have some feast, all rotated reality makes us some own merciful wisdom, that is days' rejoice is working sweat which makes money for drinking, and any amusing thing as well.

Distracted irritated mind of us in daily busy time must occasionally advises us to have some pious prayer to the heaven and distracted advertisement thankfulness should be quated in our own mind.

To anyone, yucky distracting irritating inserted information makes some people prevent them from starving. 
Have a gratitude on your mind for the reality in which any distracting inserted advertisement in yucky irritation at hardly catching only necessary information, because all people are co-existing on the earth, to it, picture their all happiness again on your mind!

(Irregularly continued)

Aug. 6th.    2023