Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Music, Literature, Formulation a.

Music thing is definitely emotional wave interpretable tone creation, songs and tunes are those embodied formed things. 

Literature means some suggestive allusion around our social emotional move in appearing human personal ones. 

Formulation means more only abstracted elemental particle of symbols. But that signified form could insert own emotion. 

All three ones have commonly logics, that must be mutually crossed own each elementary nature in facing, struggle and remotely putting.

Messages have all three, but message sending way is each very particularly gapped, but that gap means our social own intrinsic nature, and it evidences each own minded state.

Each minded state demands some form in powered mechanical diagram. Each formulated diagram modus ponens makes appreciating one's reaction, that'd be to some extent emotional, to another extent analyzable, but both difference is not that big. 

Demanding mind has each occasionally gapped appearance, and each can get own form and the nuance it'd drag our mind. 

Anyway, at any form, only wave means specifically, the thing is very universal. 

Any form must be derived from own historical human step and interpreting to it makes our appreciating mind so richer and so diversely applicable at any daily scene. 

(Irregularly continued)

Aug. 22nd.   2023