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Ontology is Identical with Substantial Nihilism a.

Nihilism must have been intelligent one's own romanticism around surviving severe realoty. These days, almost all realities have no affording room to attend any ontological idea and attitude no matter what we could commit, address to and any trial in which we can have hope, at least to our mind. That is decisive fact to us. Because we should assimilate any machinery reality around doing anything. 

Already, almost like  we can equip mindset that any Ontological idea has no border between Epistemology mutually. Because conditioned reflexively, we have mind around trying to do anything, self protective own shield from any unnecessary approaching identity, around conservative idea necessity for safety. That dogmatized reaction to any approaching identity, we must mobilize our mind, care and attention to any unidentified move and appearance. 

Epistemology or so as the term of traditional Philosophy is not that these days valid around trying anything. Though Philosophy by itself should have own introspective future hopeful some conversion necessary idea as well. 

Whole realities accompanying own nature already has not that different nature to Epistemological view, in other words, both Ontlogy and Epistemology are mutually almost back to back relevance, we can express around our own daily reality. Nevertheless, we won't lose any academic Philosophical ideas neither so easily, because we are frequently having so afraid mind and anxiety around no matter what trouble approaches our daily reality at doing anything. 

Though, in final, any Ontology must have the relevance with Nihilism, because almost Semiological reality around our usage of any terminal and updated reality, we have already any romantic idea is invalid and ineffective, rather only realistic updating necessity integrally regarding own determination is set previously. Though our that own Nihilistic minded reality is never romantically accompanying curious mind nor transaction against realistically our mind attended own hardships which will be coming up to us as reality's heavy inconstancy as transaction preparing mind, but our reality which surrounds us so severely must never quit any attack to us, though we should have preparedness around dealing with any challenging reality to us all, as so smart form for evading any negatively acceptable reality as the posture for standing by any counterattacking necessity. 

One is absorbing every knowledge and another is occasionally throughoutly defying any unnecessary approach to us, and so skillfully overriding any illnatured temptation by any approaching not that honest one without sencerity. 

(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 7th.      2023