Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Calmness Invites Meditation 1.

After busy fighting day, daily routine finishes, calmness vists my home again, in mind, introspectively, any watchable item reminds me of the matters at days before that day.  

Whole time running at that day was very rapidly regenerated at a stretch.

Yesterday is serially made in iteration.

Tomorrow is everlastingly pictured in hope and uneases of our mind at least we personally are.  

But at any switch in turn, anytime each specific idea and recollective content are definitely emerging in my mind.   

Every reminding content is precisely minced and each almost cut so at small part. 
None the less, very easily carm time for you to sleep must be made, oh, hallelujah!

You'd be awaken to what only calmness tells you, anytime when you sleep.  

(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 18, 19th.   2023