Blog for Nameless-Value

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Surfing among Crowd a.

Not touching and being touched y anyone, you should go through any route city zone.

But not going into unnecessarily zone for you as well, because people's mass is kind of big wave.

Though, surf or any wave coming to you, everyday, every time you are on surfing among any crowd.

Crowd,crowd, crowd, wave, wave, wave, wave, only nature of wave at each occasion, very different, it's the instruction. 

Crowds, assets, your own intuition around discriminating each nature, you know, that's all.

Junk, treasure, valuable things, not that important items, any discrimable your sense makes your own reality, you know.

Any crowd has own spooky atmosphere, it is never welcoming any other nature attending one, e.g. office spatially working employees are all having denial atmosphere to join any other only vacancy enjoying or losing job in unemployed one with their own circle, yes one crowd definitely is one circle.

Circle must have own outing nature to any mismatched one from the order as unit composing unwritten law. But some ones have another mind eaither constantly. 

Only anyone could be abstinent around confessing any unmatched idea to the unit, and ordinarily anybody keeps silence around any dissatisfied emotion and ideas. 

Probably either that intending mind must be one of surfing technological wisdom.  

Nevertheless, at any unit, not only one of crowd must be there, though you should have anytime flexible ideas as well, and take your own mind around your life management, so easily, and you might sharpen your own eyes to discriminate any kind of human nature you need necessarily at surviving any trouble around your own daily life.  

Because you are also one vigilant watch in own crowd as sharpened eyed street fighter or player.

(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 21st.   2023