Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Natie and Billa Scottish / Mutual Mind Road n. 3.

In staying Madeline's parents home, Billa was welcoming her 22nd her Birthday, and to it, only Rachel was celebrating with Natie, because if her Birthday was celebrated so visibly, her life will be jeopardized with the topic known any other unnecessary one's conspiracy. But in her mind, some Rachel's talk was very impressively recollected at far from her residential place at Wyoming New Castle where was located at a little more than 100 kilo meter to Hot Springs for two younger ladies on the run. They for the present decided to have pause on the run at that place, New Castle city in Wyoming. 

And that immediately noticeably found display of signboard letters content was like next. 

Under the message content of "Welcome to Moondog music cultural gathering", smaller lettering display was attending like next. "Public Recruitment to Enthsiastic Person who is interested in Popularizing Wonderful but Generally Not Well Known music to Many Ones who are interested in Music!"

Natie was thinking that ever also she visited South Dacota state's Sioux Falls was well known as the most beautiful location in US, but from that Hot Springs, needed distance was not that small, but they will need to traverse almost whole state range. Though, for some while, she thought that they needed own vacation for diffusing chased on the run providing own exhaustion and very wearismely worn out and only friction given state should be recovered at least to ordinary sane state. 
Though, she impulsively supposed to next Billa, "How about joining in this recruitment for some while?" To it, that moment, Billa was like parrot, "Sounds good, Natie oldie sister!" cried out to her and the skies as so sunny after so murky cloudy atmosphere dominat days with their own chased and escaping chain made days. Though that message board displays also telephone number for reacting recruitment, Billa was immediately called that number, only voicing tone must be unknown to the telephone speaking partner, she thought so, and did so. 

  🟢   🟠   ⚫️           ⭕️           🟣   🟤   🔵   ⚪️           🔴   🟡

By the way, Billa's own pedigree was very complicated, certainly some were from Ireland to the new continental ever, but simultaneously her family pedigree has another root as well, that was from Spain or so as those zone nomad tasty life mode attached families were either her ancients. Thus her older brother Ferdinand as his name origin was convincing to any ordinary fan whose curiosity could be her family roots or so. But simultaneously her own curiosity now that her own global status had become stiffly stable, very multiple dimensional angles had been injected into her own mind as so curious materials for upgrading her own music quality. 

On the other hand, to older sister aged, Natie, almost her family tree was shared only with Italian immigrants, but whole pedigree ones had not been involved with some underground syndicate family business. 

Anyway, to them, so continuously sufferable days series exhaustion should be healed at specifically culturally abundant intellectual and spiritual meeting to anybody who could be interested in music and soulful entertainment contents.

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 6th.   2024