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New Sentimentalism a.

A kind of strictly irresistible absurdity occasionally besieges our own reality, personally, otherwise synchronically to anyone so accidentally, you know.

But after all, otherwise, as we implicitly can picture, any absurd reality could never be wiped out from our any reality, personally and publicly. 

Once upon a time, very harsh absurd reality was made into the masterpieces of novel. E.g. Jean Paul Sartre, and Albert Camus or so. As Existencialism.

But today, their own dry realism is not that obtaining so bigger applause probably these days, you know.
Because these days reality and any society has own dutiful mind as anybody's immanent hope tacitly gathered own consensus. It must be some implicitly justice abiding own cooler and more severe strict rule around never forgiving any unnecessary disorderly crime or insane act around selfish motivation. 

Though, after all, we unexpectedly are admitting neatly severe and strictly stoic reality so enjoyably and at another mind, very earnestly. In other words, synchronically, globally any country, any ethnicity, any class social reality abiding reality are attended to anyone, after all simply we all together have to come together. 

Though, humanically, miserable sufferers elegiac novel is not that realistic, but rather today, we deeply need only more realistically dry and some obliged administrative or formally official courtesy expressing etiquette are very integrally demanded in own mutual consensus.

Nevertheless, in those very difficultly skeptic reality, any kind of scapegoated reality with really sufferable citizens will be made, and at each occasion we will observe and witness, we must need own sentimental emotion as shareable mind, that tasty new typed sentimentalism will gain ground even at literature, already Pops, Fusion or any kind of popular music scene singers main stream is on this way. 

As I for the present call, New Sentimentalism is and will be probably the mainstream from these days on. In fact, already Pops music circle had those dispositional claimate, e.g. devas with Ms. Alicia Keys, Ms. Miley Cyrus, Ms. Dua Lipa, Ms. Rihanna or so, mainly devas activities with their own lyrical songs singing performance. In Japan, Ms. Fayray has been expressing those themes. 

With all those factors, consequently we all must be surrounded by very uncertainty and accidental nature dominant days. And only these days, that factual truth can be disclosed and very obviously clarified, but ever that was murkier and intentional, or implicitly made clandestine, but these days are completely different to their realities. 

Though, in the end, these days we are in the reality in which we all are obliged to o serve and witness any absurd never qualified but moreover very mutually harshly gapped own detached reality admittable community characteristics will drag us all into own sentimentalism, in other words, very drought and positively nihilistic sentimentalism, that must be New Sentimentalism.

New light novel with New Academism tasty tendency and New Adventurous novel, New Hardboiled novel, and wholly summarized definition, I want to advocate "New Sentimentalism".

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 7th.   2023