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Contemporary Social Survival Needs Very Each Fragmental Sensible, Sensitive Cognition a.

I already mentioned at another series "These days Our Reality is Digitized" that mainly we are surrounded only digitized cognition abiding life mode and our own daily notice, the content as summarized claim had been deployed. 

And actually, our 21Century life mode by itself has been made so partially perceptively cognitive reality to not only our own sensible but sensitive personal perceptive optional characteristics by themselves had already been survived by only very partially, each fragmented own vigilance. 

Those very exceptionally own our obliged sense and personal option by themselves must evidence that we are never easily recovering any our far past eras people must have attended own very further location at a stretch perceptive possibility in daily life must be so limited at US trans continental railroad, or several African continental plains or so.

In other words, to us, already almost very few further at a stretched perceptive huge extent cognition impossibility by itself had made our own sensible perceptive and cognitive daily own senses so sharpened at narrowed view habitual, but very momentarily precise informative minded grasp forcibly catchable one very specific fuclty in other words, very contemporary life mode specific ability and power had been already obtained so instinctively in no notice without any exception at least at each individual scattering, we could judge so. 

Thaose all perceptively specifically exceptional our mutual consensus must have been fixed at our mutual acceptance around daily very frequent mobile phone usage fuxed daily habit by itself. Our these days own survival race as the desperately necessary had already been transformed into our given specifically narrowed view scope by itself forcibly switched our own daily promptly discerning each character in many items, and our daily unconsciously taken perceptive notice by itself must have been habitually fixed and already implanted in our own brain. That must scream us like next. "You already are compulsorily guided only to very minor extent owning small and subtle each discriminable prompt discovery mutual race victory only subconsciously specialized sense must be the most integral factor for surviving so serious individual race at efficiency rating, each customer acquisition, or any daily integral survival necessary factor must be operated by those own discriminable and each promptly discerning own sensible mind scopes. That reality deployed reality is almost autonomously diriveb our own sensitive optional sense, you know. 

And probably, the typed our own fixed sensitive reality won't be easily changed at least at one Century or do, so stark. That is almost definitively never so easily converted our own fatal daily reality's decisive nature. We absolutely won't go back to any past slow paced reality again. That must be the first decisive our premised factor to make our own survival strategy in the best efficiency and the best rationalized strategy. 

In frank, each daily never easily pause taking own mobile phone usage frequency and its own draggable any precise information obtainable our own sensitive consciousness and cognitively forcible obsessed emergency reactive own sensitivity will moreover personally progressed and deployed into moreover drastically subdivided sensitive optionally obsessed, but simultaneously very fanatically easily enthusiasm composable reality must go on probably from these days on, about one century or so, certainly. 


And, necessarily, those all mutually obliged and forcibly harmonized our own reality will survive probably almost several centuries from these days on. 

(Irregularly Continued)

Jan. 3rd.    2023

Appendix; These days our forcible reality abiding own our eras symbols with female genius ones one combination is obviously next line-up. Ms. Agnes Chow, Ms. Billie Eilish, Ms. Greta Thornberg, and Ms. Natalie Roush, Ms. Naomi Osaka.