Blog for Nameless-Value

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Blunt Gentleness a.

You whisper so blunt message, and so emotionslly blunt expressing some impressively short message.

After all, at least to me, you anytime so bluntly declined my any proposal on you. But it'd be alright, because if your own presence could have been destined with my some fatal thing only Lord knows, we will join with some steady tie to each other.

Unexpectedly, you are too serious to take everything so neatly for making ends meet.
But it's no that constantly successful, isn't it, you know.

Yes, certainly, you are unexpectedly around first impression of externally shown appearance, very traditionally conservative idea one, you know.

Though, you understand any irony, but in terms of your own lovable thing, you show only very cold blooded own blunt attitude to as well to me, necessarily any other one's thing is at least yo me, unknown, but some imaginable picture could emerge in my heart, you see.

After all, your own probably so clever attitude made be get back me to the originally motivated mind and own spirit. That was surely expressing some dramatic entertainers' own lives at each life as another nature. 

If you willingly intended to make me so, you are very clever and so smart at dealing with everything, and my view to yourself must never be so wrong except my not obtaining your love in definite declining to my own propose. 

Yes, you do blunt and very severely realistic around watching everything specifically in terms of yourself as your own future.

Anyway, at least to me, some easing and cooling term must be necessary for regaining originally attended power. Though after some while, I will mention around matters around you and me.

(Irregularly continued)

Jan.  4th.   2023

Appendix; After all, I could overestimate your own adult nature around surviving entertainment circle, but unexpectedly you were so childish at lest in terms of my view around surviving this carnal world, you know.