Blog for Nameless-Value

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Global Reality a. at City Zone, Not that one 1.

Only at big density of staying people, any nationally circumstances cultural, jurisprudential reality is not that assorted, but almost ordinarily standardized. But only one step, we could move to another zone, at any country, very individually specific custom, historically built own  unwritten laws are effective at not that easily switching all those accustomed ideas and own habitually fixed comminsense. 

Those very obviously remarkably discoverable gap nature and reason are at the matter of fact, not that easily analyzed nor not that obviously defined. Because any nationally given formed country has own historical context and own culturally fixed people daily reality in which any habit, custom or so as traditionally given reality and mutually consensus cognitive implicit understanding and own mutual agreeable consensus. 

Poetically, I once described this reality's strange way to be present at my own poetic essay series "Surfing among Crowd" as the sole article so far as a. . And at the matter of fact, I described another reality as what makes us at daily time spending, as "Surfing in Time Running" series as so far the one article as 1. .

In contemporary social realities, in frank, easily spending field must never be secured so completely, because that privilege is given only to very finitely acknowledged exceptional citizens in any country. Only universally known cerebroties and very richer historically nationally acknowledged priviledged pedigree families' people. And the last exampled ones are unexpectedly guaranteed at security of survival, because at any country, nationally recognized celebrities future is unexpectedly guaranteed with the majority of national citizens, at least at implicitly recognizable unwritten law which must be guaranteed accoding to necessity evil draggable common sense. 

And at the dimension of what I mentioned, unexpectedly at any country, at least at city density of staying people dimentionally fixed zones are never so specific even if we take some notice according to objective view applicable necessity. 

Though, if we try to analyze those any city not that specifically standardized significant dimensional analyzable approach, we unexpectedly can define these days globally irreplaceable reality's own intrinsically nature and circumstance we should recognize and analyze so carefully. 

And very necessarily, those standardized reality's mother was certainly internet networked global community appearance and the reality making own communication through any SNS site usage to anyone in the global community, though essentially on the earth, nobody is fundamentally never discriminated unnecessarily except very exceptionally autocratically ordered nations. 

At any regional zone, these same circumstances reality could have been fixed like these days, ultimately to any individual, only own security around any unnecessarily made incidentally possible at happening own impulsively made violence and crime of injury which could be dragged at any kind of crime with stealing, robbing any other one's own possession. And necessarily those all factors must have composed any kind of security commonsense and those irresistibly composed condition makes us own our frequently necessary terminal progress and insurance reality's own evolution according to the theory of human is universally inherently evil, wicked, rather with all those cynically regarded premises, our any civilized city zone reality must have been composed at some universally recognized standard and city definition abiding suitably reached degree form. 

Meanwhile, at any locality zone, on the contrary to those city zones, certainly not that each very specific, exceptional common sense is universally fixed. And that own unwritten law is never so easily learnt for very new comers from any other zone as former settling identified location. 

Indifferently contactable daily our own habitual stance and the kind of mutually shown attitude made by any individual citizen is unexpectedly universally never so gapped at any city and any local zone, and only very prosperously many visitors ordinarily coming and that reality is fixedm these natures attending sightseeing spots zone is very exceptionally universally standardized, we can define do, and the interpretation is not that inappropriate, we can regard so necessarily. 

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 7th.    2023