Blog for Nameless-Value

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Only Women are Active and Arrogant a.

Women in group makes them so powerful at attacking any personally moving man. At ordinary work e.g. public facilities or so at local society. They are not moving according to group order ordinary man make in society. 

Though, welfare facility local municipal facilities working women are certainly active and very arrogant to any actively able man.

Mother in general has own arrogance to her husband and her children, thus in fact, women things are pronoun of the arrogance. They have no modesty nor no delicate sensitivity.

In general, women's own mission in instinct consists in giving birth to their own children, though necessarily their own affection from the beginning very biased only to their own children.

Though objectivity is men's possession. They have only philosophy around their own children keeping in safe, and it's great asset we all men should respect.

On the other hand, men things are never doing like those. They only can try to earn money for the women, children, and sometimes have grievance only in immanent mind.

They only whisper in their own mind, arrogance should be left to them, as all women, because men arrogance has no soothing one, but their own it can be calmed by men.

Necessarily, the one can do so easily is only the one whose lover as a woman is so wonderful.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 6th.     2024