Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

No Time a.

No time to read all books published on the earth.

No time to breathe in and out so easily in so busy and ingenerous reality in which we all are prisoner. 

No mind to confess all things stocked in mind probably to anybody.
Nevertheless, anybody wants to have time to wish something to Lord or so.

Even if the one could be fanatic OTAKU, even the one must never be known to everything around what the one wants to know.

In life, almost enough time must never be given to anyone. Rather only the thing could be universally shared truth, we could say so. 

No time, no room for satisfying everything, only those are only mutually shareable truth to anyone. Though why don't make out that thing so well, sometimes consider how we can spend that no time life so usefully so carefully, personally. 

Pressured by assaulting leeway makes us have own transaction at each occasion, in doing so, anybody is the same, no one is exceptional.

No time, no room of mind, but only felt so everlasting, that must be time for us. So absurdity we feel no time but time by itself seen so forevermore. 

Only contradiction is managing our own reality. No other substantial thing could not hardly be found by us, probably.

Only time can evade anything, but substantially, we are never so, because any past thing could have been adhered with deeply immanent mind for so long period. 
Thus, we are all persistent presence at least at memory and the own recollected item can easily adhered in deeply in mind. 

After all, only time is nonchalant, but we by ourselves in deeply ponrential ideas, are usually only confused at arbitrating and judging everything, in other words, we all are never sturdy hearted being, actually. 
Though, after all, we conclude at any gathering, we need to settle any precise item by ourselves.

Time has probably no mind as well as ours. Though we have sometimes irritated mind and need some argumentation and own debate, discussion, confference and convention.

(Irregularly continued)

Apr. 1st,     2024