Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

No Destination Surfer on Wave on No Locomotion

I’m bad at planning ahead around future even so close it, in no having prospect to these, then I try never to have certain plan nor scheduling to them.

At the matter of fact, I’ve never done so, even once and I feel it never so bad, coz whole world trend and circumstance consistently is changing and switching anytime that top priority, really, it’s correct if we see the world. All things in turn appear and disappear, making us never afford to be get along with weathercock viewing neither together nor alone.
Coz everything speedily shifts from one to another.

Hence, so minutely scheduling is never effective to fulfill everything, rather doing so should be left to being suspended toward every fixed expected outcome, eventually I have a credo which I’ll do never plan anything to future, just watching all switching aspects in world never planning ahead, just anytime waiting for an opportunity to start something new, thus for doing it immediately preparing every items usually in no rest, alone, with each moment in improvisation.

After all, I’m constantly drifting leaf just according to a direction of blowing wind, but in no locomotion.
Never stopping but at the same time, never transiting the whereabout, that thing is never so exceptional to all the others to me, so far.

Although, I don’t think it even do bad, coz eventually we all are just one small mass in vast ground as one poll or one point, only vertically standing up in space or so. But all social things are anytime shifting and transiting from one phenomenal appearance to another.

We rather are beneficial in having never so stiffly fixed plan but are vigilant only unchangeable things which are so few and invisible to anybody, in addition to them, anytime we should be unchangeable reactor to everything break out so out of the blue, as social trend and issues.

We must address with all changing and shifting in world.

Let me show you a supposition around myself, and world. First, I am just so stubborn one person, I admit it so certainly, coz every human is never able to free from own raised environment with location and ages.
Although social side everything in anonymously appearing to anybody in society intervene every trials of any person and group, either as if that trend is just like economics’ trend and money circulation, that object includes the numerous ones having no idea to all these changeable things with me either.

In city, so infinite number of strangers take part in every personal position and status, then just repeating their careful watching in reacting all things in measured best timing arbitrarily in seen certain presumption for each other.
In all social movement, ultimately the best choice for me either exist, rather it’s never so positive but never so risky a little inactive alternative for me, but at the same time, only it is the sole left strategy to me so far, in terms of it, I’m either the type of individual investor to the world, society and age itself.

Either from now on, I’ll do never plan ahead, so precisely, and just trying to be vigilant trying never to lose any subtle change and sudden switching timing in reading socially timely trend.

My view around myself and world for me in relation means just reacting according to each momentary regarding in reading these and expectation to every picture in this world and its trend’s subtle shifting of whole world.
For it, all what I have to do is just anytime reading for reacting so instantly in every term for me, around every picture in world.

In other words, my view around myself and world in relation as necessity to create something to world means otherwise, that I just ride on a wave made by all beings in world and world itself, and all I have to do is just watching all things in worldwide trend and never changeable values in choosing some of top priority to me, for reacting the most advantageous and for doing so, just I try to polish my sensitivity as being connoisseur to all trends in world as necessity of all human’s demand.

Thus, I’m anytime necessarily time reading vagabonding gambler in world.
That naming is just my favorite choice, just if the thing I’d read would be hit, my rejoice would thank its naming, at this rate, either from now on, I only have a will never to plan so minutely to anything I can expect, just plan ahead nothing to future in just observing and reading, but simultaneously being never only weathercock, as small corner ironically conscious Naked King, that’s just all to me, so far, and I make sure of its stance never so bad to me, and of course society and world itself. Coz if I plan for long future from now on, as expecting future prospect, that act eventually means neglecting all world’s unpredictable change, and altering out of the blue for all humans, then, if I try to be honest to all factually true moving of world, no having rigid scheduling is eventually the best way to survive and secure myself and eventually beloved ones for me, that would be the best choice probably until I’d die to deal with for keeping the ones.
(Mar.4, 14th. 2020)

Memo: This is my viewpoint to world and myself and only its stance to read and react all world’s things means ethically but simultaneously ontologically meant propositional stance for surviving, coz eternity or everlasting characterized everything must lean on all trendy phenomenal age and its spiritual switching seen to us, so definitely and obviously. Only seeing so is evidently correct for me now.