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Absolute Look③

Consistently changing members' aspect means being, that thing was aleardy mentioned with this series. If this dimension is appropriate, being means consitently making accord and synchronicity to time(it is equal to shifting time or eating any now for us).

Then, with these explicable intepretation, being means really realized modus ponens and time means just all modus ponens's synchronically phenomenal occurence, and these serially done thing outputs each fact as past's aspect with moving and changing.

Eventually time is perceived with these serially transiting aspect as phenomenal facts packed cognition to us, and we can know only time must consistently watch all, that kind of view, we necessarilly hold in mind.

Thereby, being is each being's wholly concrete cognition or somewhat we could get with it, meanwhile, time is abstractly stretched cognition, necessarily it must be drawn by our memory to the past's all things in confirming appearance and disappearance, and with these we hold in mind somewhat anticipation as wishing to what we've never gotten in spite of hoping and craving, consequently necesssarily being and time means the same some our absolutely irreplaceable facts' each diffrentiated angled and analyzed intepretation.

These truths could deduce either that time rather could deduce essence easily, on the other hand, being could induce realization to each occurence thing and never realized our mind holding wished thing as absence of hopeful reality.

However, these items can be our instinctive application to God's absolute view, so as unconsciously we picture in our mind so pesronally, but that picturing is universally known to us as communicative talk we have usually, and with these words, we could see afterward we'd learnt language. And another day, we'd aleardy be noticed to what we practice along with these conceptual understandings at acting and introspection to past done things to us, eventually we usually practice everything with spatially and time driving meaning and conceptual analysis.

Believing in something must mean unseen as invisibly, then visually unconfirmable thing in mind makes us confident its being.
Then, this truth which could be applied to this time arguement could deduce that being means supposition to be visible all beings and time means supposition to be seen in spite of invisiblity according to mind's internally and immanently believable confidence or conviction, in other words, with these suppositive truths or theory, necessarily all visible things could be regarded as invisible, never visibly confirmable things' embodiment for us as being so carnally. That interpretation must be possible, and that suggestion is written at Jean Calvin's CAP VT  XI. in Institutio Christianae religionis.

Eventually, being's recogniton must mean deductively that our visually confirmable all phenomena which must be embodiment by God's intention, even if it is His whim or error, that thing is not so integral, what we have given is only what we are given as one being.

In other words, it must mean our visually and auditorilly as tangibly bodily all perceptive things mean or make us believe in being factual conviction on our mind.

Paraphrasing it, seing is believing as proverb could be outputted with this look. Necessarily look means our mind holding subconscious belief to God as all spatially and time driving thing's omnipotent view and its picturing. And ultimately only its picturing must be our absolute premise as God's promise we've been believing in each mind personally. But its personal picturing must mean mind holding space and time in cognitive conviction.

Ultimately these conceptual understandins must be column of our mind holding believing and confidence. And it must be our cogniton to God's absolute look. (to be continued)

Note; Next time, Jean calvin's idea quoted from Institutio Christianae religionis. These mentionings which could be our intepreable God's modus ponens must be what our inherently gifted deductive conviction which is nothing but our suppositive idea as application to God's view, as absolute look, definitely we can have it, and Calvin thought that these serial thinkings' procedure and it must mean God's view as His providence to us as intrinsicly suggestive gift to us. 

Dec. 14th. 2020