Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Move World! Move Yourself!

Any noise is tiny to you so essentially.
Because only your personal thing must be precious and only it makes you yourself!

Then, don't be impacted by momentary social noise and gossips, you know!

Anyway, move world by yourself, moving yourself, moving your waist belong rhythmic music with songs!

Truly precious finding and valuable discovery are so rare, hardly found, but if you are interest in so small wonder, pick it up so quickly, deleting any taboo in your mind.

Then, throw your hesitant mind away from you as much as possible!
And, if you catch something so interesting to you, grip and take it to yourself as soon as possible! The best chance and its timing must never hold on your procrastination, you see!

Then, if get that feeling and mind, just move yourself, at doing anything, move your waist with rhythmic beat!
With these actions, you could move the world, because world itself could react your truly subjective trail and spontaneous doing by yourself!

Move world! Move yourself!
Only your so small trail must open the world's possibility's door!
If you did not do so, world could last just not reacting aspect, either to you.

World itself must be kind of ceaseless dancing in sometimes harmony but in almost time confusion. It means cotinuous darama playing regardless to be better or worse, you know.

That playing performance must need anytime audience, then if you want not to be just robot in front of these dramas, you should not to be just silent and do yourself a brave words for you and world's performing dramas. Don't spend your time being at not moving dall or so. 

So, move yourself, and go anywhere, even if this our subjective confining situation, you have the place only you can go. And after being prepared to your action, move yourself and move your waist on the running beat only for you! Because your potential spiritual power could make yourself so subjective and challenging to all being in world, you see!

Your lifetime is just once! Your all time in your life is irreplaceable to anything.
Move yourself, at any doing, any object for meeting them all, sleeping and resting are needed to you, as the first, and after doing so, move your body for moving your mind rekindled to your action! And move your waist along your biorhythm and dance yourself!

Your spirit is made of dancing with your heartbeat and pulse, then anyway, move your body!
Just stand up and move your waist with dancing beat. Your moving waist make the world changed to you and all in world, you know!

Your time, your so long daytime, and all the night must be made by yourself, then dance your mind! Make you your circle and make your all echo!

Play your misic, sing your song only for cheering yourself, your body, your waist and your move!

Just make your active dream established, at your intoxicated mind to the world itself for you, you feel!

Move world for you! Move world of you! And for all!

your moving makes you future, and anybody must react your moving with your body and waist, so because who can help you anytime must be no one but you, you know!

Jan. 10th. 2021