Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

There's Nobody who can do Anything so Well

Probably nobody could do everything so successfully or smartly dealing with at having no failure. Thus life must be interesting and valuable to survive.

Anybody has not so smart nor so skillful matter in terms of what we have to do necessarily, or not so well-known item in daily life, then nobody could be omnipotent, never yet, we all are just incomplete, imperfect presence. I f anybody was perfect, we'd never have any cooperative matter done so well. We'd never done, together, anything in our society.

Not so successful, very bad or poor at doing at extremely expression, inablility must be accompanied with anybody. And anybody wants to tell nor mention of it to anybody, because nobody wants to be shame to be known to it. But essence tells us that only vanity to other ones make us unnecessary shameful emotion, then if we have less confidence to somewhat to be asked by someone in social site, we should inform that thing to the asking one, so honestly.
Then, substantially, if we have to cooperate with some job or mission, particular to us, we should do away with tiny pride nor vanity to other ones.

We eventually we all are so chicken-hearted, and so shy, and at some particular domain, so feeling shamefully to be known to it, as weak point to specificly to competitor or kind a rival, but essentially nobody must be perfect, then if there's the one who behaves disrespecting or disregarding to other one, we should indicate the one's lack part so honestly, or politely. We should never disrespect nor make light of the one so unnecessarily. And if we indicate it to the one, we are obliged to neglect the one so far. However the one murt be o
noticed to the one's devoid sometime.

Anyway, we should never despise other one's shortage in terms of ability.
Because what we have a reality that anybody could never be perfect, but just at the reality, anybody is so unique, and specifically identified. That reality to the one must be one of talent or gift to the one for us all.

Knowing it, we all can make and have harmony, coming together.

Then what we personally have not so bright part must be what we should feel shameful, then if there's somebody who condemns that fact to somebody, whose act and behavior could be arrogant, we should rather condemn the one's act and manner.

By the way, we all have or are obliged to be at very tough and harsh reality, thus, we have an absolute need help each other.
Hence, we should keep it on own mind that we all are never complete and can do one thing utmost two or several things. And we should regard each one's specific thing as precious.

We must be the presence of which possession is trade-off, which means that one's so smart and well skillful thing owning is apt to be equal to another very poor ability accompanied reality, and to that truth, nobody must be exceptional. In other words, we all have, to some extent, merit and demerit, advantageous and disadvantageous parts at advancing in working out some objecit or aimed index, or functioning at geoup activity of social site.
Then, we must and have to compensate each lack part and make only each specific part gathered and head for each occasional object and ideally regarded result as fruit of mission job for us.
In other words, that musutally understandable consicousness of us makes us and our society so harmonized miraculous outputted thing, that would be cooperative product, we can make sure of, then we can have own happiness bat personal life as belonging conssiousness and its guiding personal self confidence in life.

With these factors we can inspect, we should respect mutually to other one's happiness in terms of both publicly realized and privately realized spritual satisfaction.
That stance could be applied to any kind of category with age, gender, ethnicity, religion idea and credo, and habit, ideological course, or these sensibility and each own sensitivity.

There's nobody can do anything so well, that must be necessary, then, nobody needs to be pessimistic at having lack or finding some so awkward part when we are needed to practice, if that thing could be seen to us, pesronally, we if it could be held with our own effort have a chance to challenmge, on the contrary to it, if we have admitted to be lack of our ability and impossibility to advance, we have a chance to change or switch or course so effectively and possitively, yes, it has to be, any abandonment must be regarded to be positive at finding out our personal essential nature at engaging us in missioned job.

Eventually, being awoken to own poor ability has two meanings in intepreting to us, as one is just making up our mind to change course and stance as policy at switching content of job, and another is if we can have confidence that more exercizing it must have advanced and progressd future, we need to make an effort to exercizing it continusouly. that watershed must visit to our mind whatever we could be engaged in.

Never yet, we rather internally should be proud of each own unskillful part, unless we could annoy our real work with our unnecessary persistence to that needed skill. Because it must be conviction of evidence that its lack element must guarantee another superiority in us so personally. 
Inferiority or not so confident so incomplete part of us should never be regarded so negative jor shameful to public. In other words, switching these streo-typed and conventionally done at prejudiced idea spread community are the things we should practice so soon after we can get the knowledge of not so better society's nature unless that society is just fixed idea and managed with only conservatism and fudalism.

Anyway, we should fet over our own life's going for making us happy at our own effort,either in terms of making society so constructive.

Fundamentally, society should be so generous at our having conscious creed to make society necessary, and it should be gentle-minded to any member. That consciousness must contribute our setting ideal realized and embodied, for it, we should respect each distinctive given so specific parts and not so prepared parts as incomplete for that site, at the same time. 

Very dark part of us must be driving force to get it over for advancing, and get over ourr own deadend at our job site, either for contributing our own all social members, that the best method for us must be each respectful mind to any next one at work site, for us so personally.

Because, we all are walking in complete darkness only handing not so well working lump at least only for slowly walking in no exception.

Jan. 17th. 2021