Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Humor must be Necessary to this World Now Part1

Economic activity must be driven by our potentially existing instinctive fighting spirit in an order of replacing any savage nature to only sophisticated levelled embodiment. That excessive mildness in pretencce makes many citizens frustration, then necessarily many film makers and producers are concerned with only violent movie directing and releasing, on the other hand, poitics are absorbing in only autocratic method to suppress all anarchily dissatisfied citizens' disrupting acts to government, consequently these serially made vicious circle must have impact even nature world, then now new corona virus pandemic situation was pulled to our living area. And to solve all social disorder, necessarily politicians are ardent to oppress all citizens' powerful antagonism and resentmental hostility. Very many coutries are falling into these worsened cycle as flaming mutual skeptic whirlpool.

These mutually precisely relevant world tension must be made with accelrated capitalism's race in getting superiority as number indicating index getting, then necessarily very instant benefit and advantageous strategy is apt to be applied at any site. But if we could pay attention to deal with more long term vision adoptation, we would have another more relexed and not so pessimistic tensed and future preospective measure at economic issues and political isses so well, I can think so either.

Now our world needs so relaxed and resonably composed human spirit, just coz of these harsh virus driving medicine collaption in daily life for all human.
For meeting so minimally, absolutely integral content must be our humor.

At very proffessionally necessary precise phase, any site must need a gigorously precision scheme and index with highly progressed technology with vaccination and hospitalization. 
Nevertheless, at our so personally mental and spiritually preparative mind must need only healing, humor, and very reasonable warmth. That kind of music and movie content.
Of course, at another necessity, either very realistic documentation must be necessary but simultaneously we potentially and metanlly need either so humorous palody and hot emotionally mood driving contents. Then at movie, any producers and directors must en gage themselves into not discribing murder scenes and only discribing humanistic kindness, and gentle minded human presence dramas.

About me, I am anytime paying attention to get newly updated words in contexts as phrase and relaxed and enjoyable words lines through listening to many musics and songs played, performed and sung by proffesional players and singers. Rap rhyme, Hip Hop lyrical current at one song, or any ethnic zone's elemental fusion music with remixed songs or so with DJ talks, because now current music scenes are almost concerned to dancing music trend and that element with danceable rhythm and words carried method as lyrical words line and repetition. Thus, at this blog I anytime make alternating iterations with mutuall diffrentiated dimension as creative ideological essay and this practical embodiment of rhythmic rhyme and lyrical poetry in turn.

Now worldwide, all human is needed to be so calmed down and soothed to be at an occasion to deliberate so carefully, in other words, now world must be monoplized with only fanatism and enthusiasm to engage in only hostile fighting mutually, paraphrasing it, we all are operated with now world's necessarily holding contradiction, then that instinctive reacting our phase must call vicious circle with harsh suppression by disctatorship of one top leaders. That not so deliberative options must urge and agitate so sneaky and mean measures at madly angry fanatic mobs. They are just agitated by world trend making autnomous world rumor and cheaper and not so considerable propaganda. 

Now just we all creators are at necessity to ccreate soothing and very healing but simultaneously so convincing messages to make all ones relaxed and understandable mind again. Of course that creation must have either ironically blackened humor and exciting messages but essentially these things must be so peacefully mutually healing effective things.

Let us be so generous mutually and let us make together any chance and field at which we can debate and argue about all emergent necessary breakthroughs!

Let us talk of erotic imaginable story and let us make so penetrating recessing moment for remote talking mutually!

Because, to anyone, our own life is just once, and we all are never returning to any past priod nor ages, eras at any dimension. 

Jan. 18th. 2021