Blog for Nameless-Value

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¬’s ¬ is Not ∀ nor ∃ Part3

Let's summarize the formula's essence.

Unexplained Mind

as itself Transcendent

Explained Form or Formed Mind

Intrinsically at our mind as interpreting idea, these two things are at hard gap.

Then, necessarily, 

∃ ≠ ∀





∃ means transcendent accident, thus means transcendent necessity either, 


∀ means necessity inductively acquired with ∃'s convicition on mind. Then, next definition could be induced.

∀ is, for explaining ∃'s realized and embodied form or aspect.

With these inducing process, sequel could be outputted there to us.
Accidental nature as ∃could be induced by only ∀, then it necessarily makes it so Transcendently accident, ※thus it means either Absolute Necessity. 

(to be continued)

Mar. 11th.  2021

Memorandum;  This time's recognition is induced with refference to Michael Polanyi as Tacit Dimension and Emmanuel Levinas as Del' Existence À L' existant, then at next chance to analyze, let us use these logics so advantageously to induce and drag deductive truths.
And at the time, I address with ※part articulation's proof.