Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

What Escapes from Our own Spot, when we try to Grip it Part2

Very attracted and enchanted somewhat is completely unidentified to me, but I could never give it up to puusue or follow for identifying. 

That is kind of idea, I could infer so, but what makes me the idea could be some reasonable substance and its blinking or flickering must occasionally seduces me and tries to set on me,  because the kind of internally mechanically working power could mean so much.

That is either so demoniaclly not only notional nor conceptually integral, rahter so physiolosically recentful, I know, but either that could never be so only trivial, just it could take my soul and never release me so easily.

Not so clearized nor so formulated to one fixed logical procedure, but that thing's attachment to me is never gone away from my mind.

That must be so achromatic and so either empty like the plain filed midst desert as what is less to miss, nevertheless it must be so unforgettable, nevertheless, around where I'd gotten I have no idea even a tiny clue to look for.

Just it certainly is very subtly and delicate but very obviously impressive and vertically systematic, nevertheless, it could be so movable to make itself so invisible.

Probably, in very simple our subconscious understanding, neither found truth must be present.

Very clear border could be there, but anytime somewhat of power or so to mysytify it so immediately, the kind of deipositonal something must be present.

In other words, it could be very simply and indespensable but yet not interepreted nor explained and neither yet analyzed.

Very mathematically vitally somewhat but not understood so mechanically, that thing must be unexpectedly hidden to us, so make sure I believe in.

(to be continued)

July. 2nd.   2021