Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Every Single Unit's Wave Part4

Next one's eyes accidentally heads for our own eyes.
That thing makes us conscious about other one's presence in mind and it either means that we personally are at own mind of self-hood.

Any next one's presence makes own self-hood at relative view. However there must be the situation in which any next one is just skeptical being to us, anyway, our intending mind to make us parameter for assimilating us with irreplaceable situation.

That parameter given eyes are dragged to regard all things flat.
We get us involved with publicly set view and with it, we know us as one person in that society.

That indication must be immovable even at these COVID mutation crisis obliges us being at mutually remote situation and condition.

In other words, we through other one's presence get us regard us personally as subject as one of them, necessarily the meaning could have many aspects with so brightly trustworthy at taking each crush or skepticism otherwise, so desperately critical at surviving own safe life.

At any situation, we personally can know that to next one, we all are next one. Only it could be given to anyone so evenly. Anyway eventually its fact makes us mutual relevance which could become our own another consciousness or mind.

It means us our public ideas' first mother.
Simultaneously, we can know that we all personally in so larger extent in no shielded field making us a point in great space.
Eventually, spatial substance in our mind has sensing function to make our being regarded as so small but synchronically so persistent dot which could never be wiped out from any field.
That factual truth is what we can have familiar emotion to space itself and our own being as persistent dot in flat field.

Eventually, that familiarity to space itself could make us a mimd around thinking us and world at co-existance.
Space is our fellow and also the strongest enemy.
Both at physically,  artificially, and personal emotionally.

                        Next one ○←◎ Myself   
                    Next one is on Public cognition
                                           ↓ →    Familiarity in mind
                       Field as spatially present

We certainly either have belonging consciousness in the spatial dimensioned world. And to it, we can have familiarity unless we suffer from any natural disastor.
And either to it, we can know that we usually have activities socially at making chance to meet and gather at a specific field both for individually and publicly.

In other words, we can have sensing us as socially belonging, necessarily natural it also, because that reality must have relevance with natural interactions too.
However we all are never neglecting giant human legal order, neither.
In arranging nature neatly otherwise demolishing it arbitrarily at human social circumstance, we personally are all so powerless.

However, we have both missions to fight nature and safe it from disorderly abusing by human desperadoes.
Anyway, we all are never derailing any spatially present appearance. We all are spatially belonging units and each single presence.

World consistently thrusts these ambivalent tough challengings either to us. Because world regarded by us is also involved with natural unpredictable many presents at meant positively and negatively. 
Consequently we all are face mutually contradictory and hostile realities personally and publicly.

Constantly ambivalently plural mutually different dimensional factors are besieging us all the time.
Though we must switch our cognition and mindset in mission accordingly at any replaceable realized our realities.
We all are together and alone mutually and independently. Thus, coming together and fighting are on the same track.

However, presumably otherwise unpredictably to that our common track must be so unsolved complicated unidentified substance and subject, occasionally so possible in positive inference, at another occasion, so impossible in negative it
Because "we" and "our or ours" would be the most critically tough agreeable ideally pictured images, wouldn't it?

(to be continued)

Aug.   27th.      2021