Blog for Nameless-Value

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Mirage Out of the Blue Floating in front of My Eyes Part27

Life could be defined by ourselves so each distinctively according to how our own life could be regarded as which is necessary or accidental.
I was born at specific environment of family pedigree with maternal grandfather was jew, nevertheless, relatively my infantile days' environment was warmer and peace, thus I had no idea that my own life was given so accidentally.
However, gradually, my life was entering into very complicated age situation driving contradiction, my idea sometimes had been switched that any life must be given just only accidentally, as necessarily as floating mirage to us seen so exact, but substantially unidentified to us, so obviously.

My A〇g〇nista〇n days started at arrival day to relatively large field in outskirt of K〇b〇l as previously readied for landing for secretly and we all with my guide as former  Al-Q〇ed〇 main member but with higher intelligence evaluated by his plural languages operating talent, he was dispatched to any occidental mass-communication clews for being interpreter, he did Ar〇bic, Perci〇n, P〇shto, Ur〇u, T〇jik, mainly, but any other language, at least in terms of intermediate level conversational skills, more than several languages concerned with zone around A〇g〇nista〇n. His name was Usāma, he was half Ar〇bic, half P〇ẍtun, he was very younger than me, almost 40 years old or so.
Originally just after T〇lib〇n’s government overturn, Y and her commanded transmitted message told that ones who were concerned with this time project, all dispatched agents with me should pretend mass-communication crew, publicly as an interview team organized by the Fr〇nch National Broadcasting Corporation, but undercover extra espionage must need more uncanny cheating to any concerned ones at very many hideout, at not mainly published organization's investigation, consequently Al-Q〇ed〇’s publicist now he takes charge was applied for guide.

Just at arrival day at Sep 6th, we all were heard of so famous singer in A〇g〇nista〇n was illegally executed by T〇lib〇n’s control unit's arbitrary doing. To him, very atrociously damaging that outrageous cruelty execution fell all of us as espionage scheming unit with Y and me into chilliness of body and mind, and any other profile unidentified transmitting crews in transmitting communication.
We immediately headed for for the first time, central park at K〇b〇l, according to already informed circumstance, several thousands domestic refuges' camping field, that place's own stanch's cause was seen toilet filth and any other living conditions in refugee camps with poor sanitation. Occasionally babies' crying screaming and children's noisy high-pitched voices with crying and playing were mingled with their mothers' loud voices were obviously confirmed to all our team members.

Officially government was publishing as absolute principle and regulation, any music tunes and art masterpieces appreciation and dancing were prohibitted, hence any citinzen was secretly listening to radio and very occasionally, somebody was secretly using smartphone, but for procuring life necessity, many ones must head for market, and at any route, to and fro check points by armed T〇lib〇n’s soldiers were stationed, necessarily any refuge was vigilant at never contacting to any westside ones through English or any other Euro language for communication and refference, necessarily even music tunes and songs listening were abstained from doing by anyone so spontaneously.
Surely, at 3rd, There were also demonstrations of resistance against the T〇lib〇n by women wearing burqas, but afterward, we couldn't be heard of that kind of news, and any information around the participants of that demonstration as women in burqas was unidentified.

We with Usāma and his bodyguards' two Arabic only for Al-Q〇ed〇’s publicists were heading for top secret underground in ex-bar building, as where to deal with traffickers of machineguns or so, that site was seen indirectly schemed by the dropout programmer named Charlie Craig in question for Y's versatile information from C〇A's agents transmitting intelligence, ordinarily almost positioned checkout soldiers were accompanying  Кала́шников(Kalashnikov)as R〇ssian Lieutenant general known for his pionnering machine guns.
That traffickers' secret meeting basement was secretly known to me too, coz I had already obtained information through Y before I left Fr〇nce that it was a place known to Afgh〇ns of ordinary adult men as an underground exchange involving a secret casino and brothel organization of the previous administration that was overthrown.
That place was unofficially known one of plundered places with any other place as generally alreadly known in world as delux residents ex-govenmental officers' daily settlement now instead of them, T〇lib〇n militia members as soldiers who are revolutionary meritors occupy.

(to be continued)

Sep. 19th.       2021