Blog for Nameless-Value

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Simple Truth's True Enigma Part4

That makes sense that global conditioned things could be easily made locomotion, that physical nature could be easily confirmed, meanwhile very flatly even things could never be so, nevertheless in nature world could never have reality in which only flat and even infinite extent, that realizable extent necessarily has limitation.

Necessarily, either there must have nested structure.
That condition to nest of table could be found at these realities.

Of course, even these seen so necessarily universal phenomenal things could be easily switched by some other unidentified power or so.

Otherwise, these very questionable nature coule be applied either to our mind's comprehensive capability or our mental or spiritual thinking mode and these physiological coordinating functioning in analysis.

Necessarily, my idea in interpereting these things could have reason that I have conviction that whole presence as being must have absolute and never switchable modus ponens.
And, intuitively all these absolute law must be converted at very providential formula or equation.  

(to be continued)

Sep.  23rd.     2021