Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Anything does Never Change Us, Except Our Mind

Songs must be what makes us noticed to only what we could never be changed by anything.

Poetries must be what awakes us that these only suggest and imply that we are never changed by these things.

Even if some so extremely freshened impression from these, that experience essentially could never change anyone's fundamental nature, they only suggest us something, and it must be some small excitement to mentality and resting spirit.
And these shold never be bigger things than these things.

At the matter of fact, nothing could change us, what changes us is only our mind.
And our mind is unexpectedly too stubborn to be changed by anything, though rather these things with songs and poetries are necessary to us as what to be present and versatilly at appreciating.

Never yet not only these things but also any presence must be what notices us and what makes us noticed to these truths.

In other words, any lyrics or melody line and rhythmic system at any song is present only for it as it must be so, and any poetical sentences' sequence is present only for it as it must be so, and no other things are necessary.

Though, ultimately, we othewise could survive our own life and us as to be ourselves for knowing what could change us is nothing but our own mind.

Nothing must change us, except our own mind, and that's wonderful truth to us, nevertheless, we frequently misjudge out that necessary truth with so error idea.

We just ascribe any other externally present thing to our own changing ,because what we know it must be seen so horrible to us, as our mind's responsibility must be seen so heavier than noticing externally. Namely we all are never so stronger nor brave.

What horrifies us must be nothing but our mind.

Eventually, only our mind, you are the toughest presence in world to anybody, then if we overcome it, we'd never have any horrible thing.

Oh, my God, what makes you make us so?
Please just this one time, react my question with your kindness!

Sep. 26.,27th.    2021