Blog for Nameless-Value

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Simple Truth's True Enigma Part13 Summary❶Part9-12

 This time, specifically from Part9-12, this time should have a chance to summarize.
Additionally, newly awaked factual truths could be mentioned there.

1. Ordinarily when we use freedom as term to us, it usually means acting range, spatially transitive extent. That means st least to us, extent enlargement to transiting range, moving range, usually we regard so.
Nevertheless, since what I suggested at Part1, freedom’s significant interpretation means so diverse or multiple modus ponens.

2. Because very smaller sized creature with insects are at very different dimensioned world.
That must be dependent on diferentiated ecosystematic zone’s nature biassed form of transition.

3. To us, specifically we human beings are all have standing basis at making transition, and that stability makes us some tangible, otherwise spiritually meant freedom.

4. Nevertheless, when we are in forest, bush or so, anybody is annoyed with mini sized insects.
That experience must awake us that either to us, very limited range’s transitive freedom is given and any species could have enemy and fellow and own possible transitive form, as far as concerned with limited range for us, that was mentioned at “Jungles” and this series Part9.

5. In general, accodring to mini sized and light weight creature has no specific leaning on to one basis and get freedom not to be bound to gravity or ground’s dependence.
Toward them, obviously we all are very remarkably dependent on gravity otherwise gravity giving reality.

With these mentioned items, we can conclude.

6. First, our usage around “freedom” means so arbitrary. Because COVID pandemic crisis with mutation had us bound to limited transitive extent and range, though we can review narrowed extent volume, capcity in infinite coming and going. (Part9)
That means discovery to our capable tangibility in similarity with mini sized creature with insects.

And more recently at this analysis series, we got another so important truth.

7. That was what each species have each distinct exent ecosystematic zone and specifically featured transitive freedom’s modus ponens.

8. We are never able to tresspass another species’ transtive freedom, additionally we could never demolish their ecosystems and exterminate them all, we only can suppress their ecosystem in a range they could not tresspass our domain.

Next very rudiment indespensably absolutely never switchable truths exist.

✳Time goes on according to one direction. That nature means eating each now at advancing only to future, and all passed footprints are made just past.
✳Time’s one direction nature goes along with evolution footprint’s aspect and its factual process making modus ponens must follow time’s one direction nature.
✳Otherwise, we could have newly inspecting and analyzable truths.
That means time’s one direction nature otherwise gives us evolutive own feature at own species.
✳And among differentiated eco-systematic transitive freedom’s signification, mutually any species must never trespass any other species’ eco-systematically adapted modus ponens nor exterminate.
✳That means both each species’ capable own limit and whole eco-systematic synthesis’s some absolute powerful united form is either our participating thing.
✳Though necessarily any species could never demolish any other species’ eco-systematic transitive range or extent perfectly. These things are derived from what we either are just part of whole totalized and arbitrarily united eco-systematic entire appearance.

This time, for the present, mainly so vitally grave and the most penetrating truths and some irreplaceable principles could be shown so clearly.
Though, having some considerable enough term, again we could advance to next propositional stage around size dragging necessary nature and its inspection and analysis.

(to be continued)

Nov. 27th. 2021