Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Mirage Out of the Blue Floating in front of My Eyes Part39

Usama’s death anversary day was this our staying country’s one heroine Ms.M〇l〇l〇l〇 Y〇〇s〇fz〇i’s marriage’s reported day, two days later from her procedure’s day.
Namely our staying period was obliged to linger unnecessarily, because not only Usama’s unexpected death but also these 17 days’ very harshly many incidents in worldwide stage, necessarily all these things came up with not only world news reports but also our mission.

By the way, our taking mission is characterized with absolute necessity for correcting data and so careful analysis for executing dispatched and commanded missions.
That content must be focused on opting only necessary informations and throwing any other them from our idea and scheme.
Nevertheless, we progfessional missioned dispatched undercovers staying abroad must have some so desperate idea that at so critically last-ditch determination including even happy dispatch no exceptionally to any other one, nevertheless, nobody truly wants that bargaining chip in no exit, though probably any agent could have any kind of survival idea in cluding changing the client or so.
Because necessarily, at emergent switching by governmental intentional command to our clinent’s intelligence agency’s, necessarily they easily could execute our lives either, though we also have anytime last-ditch necessary expelling wisdom including betrayal to clients and runaway option.
Because originally, at the matter of fact, we all have the ideal ideology that even if we could betray clients, at least to our own party members we’d never have that action, because only that ultimate humanity could sustain any kind of harsh mission unjustly burdened by any agency.

As I was just top commander for that time three undercovers, necessarily my three person’s mood change was the most important duty. In very confused and screwed-up stalemate obliged to re-scheduling I tried to have many occasions to talk, consult, otherwise any asking to them as their demand, hope personally they ought to have in mind.
Certainly Y’s procuring smartness made us stay in this country with fake passport with a help of P〇k〇st〇ni〇 activist whose help contributed Ms.M〇l〇l〇l〇 Y〇〇s〇fz〇i’s great humane work in the process for her advancing to worldwide humanistic arguement. He was almost the same generation one to me in this country, his support and advocacy could help her N〇v〇l prize laureate glory.

In mssion suspended term, we at the matter of fact could get several so precious chance to have dialogues and plenary conference with the P〇l〇st〇n〇 activist Ahmad Hussain Ali Khan, ‘Āqil, Suddam and Sophia, once in three days with all members, and once in a week with each member independently. And I swtiched my course to allot any member one specified mission into according to confering advancing and mutual understanding to each other in terms of idea, own capability not made publicly to each other, and at each occasion to debate and consult, I arbitrarily swtich each role reacting their all request.

I also did after Usama’s death, to all his deseased family members letters for informing his unfortunate but glorious death and showed mourning to each one and appologizing mind of myself, and to any party member and cooperator Ahmad Hussain Ali Khan I made them understansing these serially process and sequel. They honestly accepted my intention around pay-off to Usama’s sacrifice.

After all, we could not move any action around this time’s Charlie Craig’s catching at getting him cornered and hand over the main client C〇A.
But I anyimte had some indigested left enigma around C〇A’s acting modus ponens, because if they truly needed to arrest him, they ought to have done so to him, arbitrarily by themselves, nevertheless, they took and had taken that mission so continuously to us, I suspected them who could have some disadvantageous reason at directly arresting him, and Craig by himself could have so tight connection to any other opposite sides fones for C〇A. Then necessarily if C〇A simply assassinated Charlie Craig by their arbitrary command, C〇A by itself could get so maximal disadvantage, never yet very cotirically damaged consequence, I after deeply consicered around all this time our burdened mission, concluded so.
Nevertheless, that thing could never be publicized to any party member, because that informing act could affect their mission’s doing unnecessarily, necessarily at some ideal result we’d get at this serially missioned process, that confessing must have meant so much, but now was never the kind of timing nor occasion, I judged.

The latest conference, we had a topic as mission subject for researching method, specifically Charlie Craig using route to this country with exportation in smuggling to Afgh〇n〇sta〇n, I anytime had some suspicious mind at assessing the correctness even toward data Y provided to us, because her command must have had some unidentified enigma to us, and that was not anytime her directly inspecting result as our gotten information and intelligence.
Exactly her specifying two routes in implicative significant credibility was never so seemed fake, but another route could be possible, like that I kept my idea continuously, and any other party member of us had the same idea, at least to me, that hunch was there.
Around in debating conversation together, suddenly anytime so silent and not talkative ‘Āqil started to talk to us, so logically, saying “Smuggling action could be advantageous at least at usage, only sea and ocean route, because airport inspection to cargo is generally so precise and legally strict, but sea it could have some arbitrary bringing ship alongside the instantly decided interim pier. Particularly, desert zone’s it could be smart at smoothing all procedure, after all the true reason that T〇l〇b〇n could succeeded their conquest to former puppet government by west sided countries could be that continentally land usage.✡ They actually were all professionals at land transition and smart locomotion’s knowledge.”

To it, out of the blue I got a hunch at specifying route, but at the moment, simultaneously Saddum was starting to speak suddenly saying,”That must be Russian railroad’s freight trains, and necessarily R〇ss〇〇n trading relevance with M〇x〇c〇 has been so closer since 130 years, you know.” That was just what I wanted to explain to that confering ones all. That his positive participating consciousness was amazingly seen to not only my mind but also any other party member.

At the matter of fact, that moment my brain was attending one another idea too.
That was like next. R〇ss〇〇 executed artificial satelite explosion from their land estate’s euipped devise at Nov. 15th., to it they denied that global community’s criticism that outputted debris could affect any stratospheric air pollution. But true their object at executing that explosion was only shielding that country’s malice smuggling intenstion, because air pollusion made by that arbitrary explosion could make advantage for hiding any person’s locomotion’s factual evidencing visually at inspecting biometric authentification system’s that county’s each advanced precision by any other country except them, nevertheles, logically that could have some contradiction. That was either showing their elaboration.
Anyway, through that my logic, certainly their true intention of exploding atrificial satelites was hiding their advantageous illegal smugling of any foreign countries’ arms or so with a secret help by Charlie Craig through continental traversing railroad transportion, after all they intended to look over Craig’s consipiracy. He just true betrayer to his mother country.

Anyway if that identical idea which coincidentally we with I and that first telling Saddum held in mind was correct, Russia could get their overwhelming advantage through looking over Craig’s illegal business. In other words, through looking over his all illegal transportion, that vastest country could have so extremely huge profit financially.

U〇A is doing their cover-up at never driving exposing any truth of national division in terms of politically at congress and ideplogy between two parties in other words, making any other country aware of their national ideologically political and financially meanly dirty domestic underground world’s circumstance must be the worst disadvantage, because their course is liberalism at economics and financing. Meanwhile, R〇ss〇〇 doing’s their true object is probably taking Craig’s wrong doing advantage of their country’s reciprocal profit through illegal smuggling to any country, specifically alliance taling partners.

Eventually, any country’s conspiracy for saving each face of own virtue evidencing or so could associat my any idea around these serially comanded mission’s significant identity.
Yes, our world could pretend to be only virtue managing aspect in some pretentious mirage arbitrarily made by each country’s own pride, you know.

In conclusion, our party started to prepare so precise Swat canyon’s underground precidio controlled by craig in doing undercover investigation.

At the matter of fact, one more reporting thing is there.
That was identity of Usama’s assassin troopers active along the border was evidenced.
Because in fact, I ordered Sophia when Usama’s corps’ his wounded left shoulder at making up for burial to his was inspected by her at precision analysis of collecting footprint of shot bullets’ debri with tweezers, and we sent it to Y’s whereabout now we could confirm and that process taken procedure evidenced that shooters to him at critically wounded outcome was by not Afgh〇ni〇st〇n’s T〇l〇b〇n’s troopers as watch guard at border zones, but actually smugglong group probably Charlie Craig must precided. I just yesterday got Y’s sent messages at my terminal through transmitted mail report.
Remembering his death at that time, and his interment occasion’s greatly seen reddned eveningglow sun’s color making reflection of our all bodies down on our knees at that time.
To his soul, I swore our mission’s success in mind when we got the last conference prior to tomorrow’s undercover.
(to be continued)

Nov. 29th. 2021

✡Vladivostokー Irkutskー Gobi Desert in Mongoliaー Urumqi in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in Chinaー Talsi Kurgan in Kazakhstanー Almatyー Jampurー Tim Kentー Samarkand in Tajikistanー Karsiー Serverdー Afghanistan-Pakistan border