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Holy Night Snowing in Mind

Remotely from own home country, so many ones who stay abroad may be picturing own country home beloved ones, occasionally having next ones in a same room with so diverse mission contents.

Even if having not snowing, X-mas night could be attending showing views to the one.
That must be in each personal mind, you see.

Really snowy zone and not that zone, anybody could have a specific view around holy night with X-mas tree or so, even if any that tool could not be there, even only craiving mind could have own power.

Anybody wants to have peaceful night and warmth in family love, nobody wants unnecessary battle at this night.

Just depict your own imaginable X-mas winter snow, however to you every X-mas is on mid-summer, not that object wishing is no problem, you know, anyway any your X-mas picture in mind even if you are at completely another ambient.
Your the best suitble picture in your mind, that's no problem.

Close your eyes and make your head so composed, and have an image of e.g. snowy landscape, with your imaginable familiar landscape to you, if you'd be satisfied, that it must be the best. That is your X-mas.

Your wanting lovably peace must be done to you too, if you'd be satisfied with your brain's picturing.

Wish each distinct circumstance, so long period you'd be remotely staying to your beloved family. God knows it so well. You can beleive Him, and just your family members' peace, happiness and smiling complexion, their profiles, you can imagine.

And mind picturing beautiful whitened snow-flake could cover your all daily felt so nice and easy so still appearance.
Holy night anytime is versatilly available in your so strongly hoping beauty of snowing in X-mas. 
Because your imaginary wishing power malkes it true in your mind!

And the mind accompanying you could have so light and actively joyful!
That making step on any road you use in your days is your mind sensing imaginable snowy view which must make your mind cheered in easy step to forward, really when you do so, your mind and brain must regenerate that snowing scene, and with the mind, your walking no decorative road could make you a happy and easy X-mas in holy night road!

Where you stay is the best holy night place!

Holy night's beauty and holiness have no discrimination to any place nor anyttime and any circumstance, and that's why God's mercy is so affectionate and gently graceful to anyone, you know!

When you close your eyes, be so silently and imagine all that thing in your mind, so easily!
There you must meet any beloved ones in your world for you and your all!
And all so nicely twinkling silvery whitened snow chips could encourrage your mind so vividly!

Your future, my future, your next one's future, my next one's future, altogether, make one so universaty jumbo one crystal, even if real snowy isn't conditioned, that must be the best snowball, you look!
And that makes it a big shining star for us all, you look up to. Mery Christmas!

Dec. 25th.     2021